El aquelarre

El aquelarre

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El aquelarre

Title: El aquelarre
Pixel Artist: Bugbear  (Level 2 Wolpentinger :: 392 points)
Posted: 4/27/2021 21:16
Statistics:  8 comments    15 faves    0 avatars

by Francisco Goya


Weekly Challenge: Museum piecesWeekly Challenge: Museum pieces


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WreX (Level 3 Stalker) @ 5/2/2021 03:18

not sure if its a good place to start and talk about it , but I think it should be pretty obvious.

a dishonest method would be to trace , color reduce a picture , pick the colors straight from the picture instead of picking them your self and such methods .. 

while an honest method (while working with a source from example) would be to observe it , draw the angles and proportions , and observe the source and try to pick the colors by sight.

those are pretty obvious standards for art in my opinion.

Kxarog (Level 2 Moon) @ 5/1/2021 14:47

And can you tell us more about honest methods, and what applies to dishonest methods?

Hapiel (Level 11 Bonsai) @ 4/30/2021 08:28

Bugbear has explained to us that it is a tracing, which will be accepted in this instance because originality is difficult with this particular PJ challenge.
Thanks for the sharp eye though!

zombieMode (Level 6 Garbage) @ 4/28/2021 14:20

This is insane

WreX (Level 3 Stalker) @ 4/28/2021 13:57

this has striked me as a bit suspicious , so I color reduced the original painting and compared it to your piece as you can see in this gif - (https://i.imgur.com/xsMEjkz.gif).

while I know that its possible to be very accurate to your source with certain methods of art (through honest methods) , in this case it seems to be too accurate for me to believe you made that in an honest method of art , it just seems refined.

SeinRuhe (Level 4 Egg Tart) @ 4/28/2021 13:44

Great render of a great piece! Love it!

cure (Level 11 Pixellite) @ 4/28/2021 12:26

To paraphrase some rap lyrics, you "made that [palette] stretch like an 80 inch plasma". Great work, would love to see it run through a CRT filter because I bet it makes the 50% dither very effective (I might send it to Vagrant, he's great at emulating this stuff).

sjd_sjd_ (Level 9 Leftovers) @ 4/27/2021 23:57

Love the atmosphere you have created with this one.

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