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Pixel Art Details


Title: Baobab
Pixel Artist: Bflybabe88  (Level 1 Rookie :: 114 points)
Posted: 6/7/2015 17:29
Palette: 16 colors
Statistics:  5 comments    8 faves    0 avatars

Based on this photo from wikipedia.

Thanks to user Crimso for their palatte.

Weekly Challenge: BaobabWeekly Challenge: Baobab


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Theoden (Level 10 Operative) @ 6/15/2015 00:10

I agree with 'SturmgewehrKreuz'. You should add cloud's reflections to the water.

This is awesome by the way.

SturmgewehrKreuz (Level 4 Lieutenant) @ 6/9/2015 17:40

Nice! It could be great if clouds could have a reflection on  the water...

nonoko (Level 1 Intern) @ 6/8/2015 21:23

For being new to pixel art and doing this one in a hurry, it's amazing! I even like that down there is not going on much, makes the tree seem even bigger!

Bflybabe88 (Level 1 Rookie) @ 6/8/2015 06:11

For sure. I'm pretty new to pixel art and I made this one in a hurry so I'm sure there are a lot of areas that could be improved.

clefairykid (Level 9 Federal Agent) @ 6/7/2015 22:43

loving the colours and shapes, although it feels like there could be a tiny bit more refinement towards the bottom/ground area.

Related & Tags

Baobab, Baobab avatars, Baobab icons, Baobab pixel art, Baobab forum avatars, Baobab AOL Buddy Icons

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