» 15 questions to Alex Staropoli
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15 questions to Alex Staropoli - Rhapsody


1. Now when you have insight in the business - would you encourage your daughter or son to become a professional musician, or advice against it?

  • Alex: They will decide by themselves, I'll eventually encourage them to play an instrument, time will tell...

2. A metalsong you think "Man - I wish I'd written that one...." when you hear it?

  • Alex: Riot - "Thundersteel"

3. The last album you bought/acquired, and your brief opinion about it?

  • Alex: "Once Upon A Time In Mexico", I like the movie and I like the soundtrack! I love Mexico!!

4. If someone told you tomorrow that you can't be involved in music anymore, what do you see yourself doing in 5 years from now?

  • Alex: I will probably move to California and start a career as a professional bodybuilder or personal fitness trainer.

5. Myself as a privat person in a few sentences?

  • Alex: Relaxed and hyperactive, loud music and silence, Inspired and Excited, - the good mixture of everything.

6. Unexpectedly and out of the blue you get a whole week totally off from music and work - what would you most of all want to do?

  • Alex: Lay down at the beach in the summer heat, for a few days.. and then cool down, visiting Sweden!

7. Mp3 - an abomination or a good way to make your name and music heard?

  • Alex: Both.

8. What do you treasure most in your life, except metal and family?

  • Alex: Everything life brings.

9. An instrument you always wish that you started playing/learning, but never did?

  • Alex: Electric or Classical Guitar.

10. Beer, whisky, wine or a cocktail in the tv sofa on a relaxed at-home-saturday night? Brand of the beverage?

  • Alex: I like a good Weiss beer with a good pizza... but later in the night I'll go for a margarita made with the Cabo Wabo Tequila... man!... when I smell and drink that cocktail with all it's fragrances I am in heaven...

11. Which historical person do you feel would fit best as a description on you as a person?

  • Alex: I don't have a clue.

12. What most people don't know, never have known, and probably never would know about me if they don't read this?

  • Alex: That I am a car freak.

13. If a famous actor were to play the part as you in a motion picture - who would be best suitable for that purpose, you think?

  • Alex: Adrien Brody for sure.

14. What ingredient is the most important and vital of them all when making good music, according to you?

  • Alex: An open heart and a vision.

15. Your best advice to a person determined to make it in the metalbusiness?

  • Alex: Be ready to be screwed, but that's part of the game... from mistakes you learn a lot...

~ Asked by Tommy, May 2006


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