Dreams Come True

2 years, it’s been 2 years since I’ve written anything. Here is something that has been sitting in my drafts folder, gathering virtual dust…

‘You say I dream too big, I say you think too small’ – Unknown

Well, as many of you who follow my blog would know, I like to write about my life; I like to write about my experiences, that have all contributed to the person I am today. I do this mainly because I hope to provide some sort of inspiration and motivation to someone out there who is going through something similar and just needs that last, final push to get through it. This post will be no different.

I’m not going to be the person to say “I’ve ALWAYS wanted to be a doctor” just because that’s the career I’m pursuing now. I’ve actually ALWAYS wanted to be a teacher and this is why I have always and will always have tremendous respect for this noble, selfless profession. I remember even tutoring my younger brothers at home when I was myself only in primary school. However, the new career path of medicine was introduced to me by my parents. And I know that at this point most people would probably think and some have even said this to me, “Oh your parents forced you to become a doctor”. But to be completely honest, if I didn’t have my parents’ guidance, I’d most probably just be stumbling through life, aimlessly.

If I have learnt anything from life thus far, it is this: you really cannot be bothered with what people say or you just won’t succeed in life. I know, it’s much easier said than done. I too, have been through this. I’ve been dreaming of becoming not only a doctor, but a neurosurgeon (InshAllah), since I was probably about 9/10 years old. And trust me, I’ve encountered numerous people since, too many to count, who have discouraged the idea. I’ve also met loads of other people, family, friends, strangers, who have been so encouraging, providing advice and support at every step of the way. But sometimes, it’s really tough to not let the negativity affect you; sometimes, unwillingly, it gets the best of you.

Now, 12 years later, I can proudly say that I am already on the way to accomplish my lifelong dream, Alhamdulillah! However, the negativity, unfortunately, is still there. Now that I am completing my basic medical career, the negativity is aimed towards my dream of becoming a neurosurgeon. “It’s too difficult”, “It requires too much hard work, studying for many years”, “You’re a woman, you won’t be able to achieve this dream”; I’ve heard it all. Out of them all though, the one I am most disgusted by is “Oh you’re going to be rich, no wonder you’ve chosen this path”. Wealth has never been, and InshAllah never will be an influencing factor in my career. I am genuinely interested in one day being able to help humanity to the best of my abilities. It deeply saddens me that this profession, which was once considered so selfless, has become a means of business for some.

If you’re going to dream it, be ready to work tirelessly and persistently, aiming towards your life goals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming big; even the sky isn’t the limit! But at the same time, it is essential to keep in mind that this road will definitely not be an easy one. There will be various obstacles at every step of the way and you will have to make countless sacrifices. People who you considered to be trustworthy will betray you in a matter of seconds without looking back, things will take a turn for the worst at some point and you may even lose hope. This is the real test. It will all push you to your limit, in every single way possible. But you know what? Everything works out in the end. Just keep having faith, work even harder than before and above all, pray for the strength to endure it all.

My lovely readers, if any of you has been through or is going through something even slightly similar, my advice to every single one of you out there is: work hard and pray even harder. Do not give up on your dreams! It wasn’t meant to be easy. If it were, everyone would’ve done it.  To the negative people I say, thank you. Your words, although directed obstructively, have proven to be a source of motivation for me.



4 thoughts on “Dreams Come True

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  1. I guess it’s something very universal to students. Whatever they are doing no matter how much they are interested in their respective fields/ subjects people are bound to degrade and demotivate you. Thats the law of opposites i guess..:)
    But yeah. I myself have faced the same. People are like what? You’re studying literature..? You didnt get the admission in sciences…and all that.. but thats what I believe motivates you more than anything 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Remember the Golden Rule = Deen ko Duni apar muqadam rakhna دین کو دنیا پر مقدم رکھنا = Put religion and spiritual matters over all worldly affairs. When I am long gone and you would have achieved your most cherished goal, to become a Neuro surgeon, In Sha Allah, ان شآاللہ you would look back and say ” Prayers paved the way for my success, and it still does.” الحمدللہ

    Liked by 1 person

  3. JazakAllah khayr for sharing.
    Your words truly inspire and encourage me to pursue my dream regardless of the obstacles I face.
    Indeed, prayer is the most powerful weapon.

    Liked by 1 person

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