Final Fantasy XIV | art | fanfic | gpose | lore | modding

Alyx Vance - Adamantoise - Aether
Umbral Heart

I’ve been doing dye tests on whatever relics I can find in the wild and spamming my friends with screenshots, figured I’d share some here too! 

Augmented Ingrimm in Plum Purple, Metallic Blue, Metallic Silver, Metallic Brass, and Blood Red

posted on Oct 14th '20 with 40 notes  •  
  1. phaedra-mero reblogged this from aethernoise
  2. cakebitte reblogged this from aethernoise
  3. theindomitablerioghan said: heehoo purdy
  4. bigslorps reblogged this from aethernoise
  5. dragons-bones said: *CANE holy SHIT autocorrect what the fuck was that
  6. dragons-bones said: I’m never using anything except the Black Willow Came but Ingrimm in Metallic Blue is 👌👌👌
  7. aethernoise posted this