Brainticket | Artist

Brainticket | Artist

Tags: Era_1970s, Genre_Kosmische, Genre_Psych, Origin_Belgium, Type_Artist

Brainticket is a European experimental space-rock band formed 1968 in Basel, Switzerland by Belgian bandleader Joel Vandroogenbroeck (flute, keyboards, vocals). They were most active in the early 1970s, and known for the use of exotic instruments and jazz-inspired compositions. The group’s 1971 debut album Cottonwoodhill featured British vocalist Dawn Muir. The album ran into controversy for its association with psychedelic drugs and came with a warning label that insisted you should "only listen once a day to this record. Your brain might be destroyed” which led to the album being banned in several countries including the USA. The band continues to perform concerts and release albums in the 2000s. Outstanding albums include Cottonwoodhill, Psychonaut and Celestial Ocean.

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Featured Albums: Brainticket

Related Artists: Toad

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