
What’s eating my barberry bushes? #809914

Asked September 08, 2022, 7:53 AM EDT

Around this time of year my barberry bushes start getting eaten by something but I don’t see bugs or worms. Can you help determine what this is and how to treat it? Thanks.

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

That looks like it may be caterpillar droppings, which perhaps was left behind by a nest of fall webworms.
We wouldn't worry about it and you do not need to treat for it.

In fact, Japanese Barberry has become a significant and serious invasive plant which can escape our gardens and threaten native habitats. 
It has also been found to produce habitat that encourages the presence of ticks in the landscape.
Here is our page about it:

We highly recommend replacing it with a native plant or another non-invasive shrub.


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