Play the guitar (ギターを弾く) ギターを弾く

Content ID:1896922

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It is a pose to play electric guitar.
If you have a acoustic, the thickness of the guitar body is increased. The adjustment of the position of the arm and the hand might be somewhat troublesome, but the left hand is a form to suppress the actual code (G # in the case of the use example), and, please try to use it to the position that it seems to be somehow it. I think that the atmosphere goes out enough even if it is suitable.

Content ID:1896922

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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気が向いた時に3Dポーズを投稿しています。 ダウンロードして使ってくださる皆さん、ありがとうございます。また、ギフトを下さる皆さん、感謝です。