KITTIE Vocalist MORGAN LANDER Looks Back On Band's Early Years - "We Were Super Naïve, Enthusiastic, And Probably Very Annoying Because We Were Kids Genuinely Living Our Dream"

May 4, 2018, 6 years ago

news kittie heavy metal

KITTIE Vocalist MORGAN LANDER Looks Back On Band's Early Years - "We Were Super Naïve, Enthusiastic, And Probably Very Annoying Because We Were Kids Genuinely Living Our Dream"

Kittie vocalist / guitarist Morgan Lander and guitarist Tara McLeod are featured in a new interview with premier guitar discussing the band's documentary, Origins / Evolutions. An excerpt is available below.

Q: Did you gain any unexpected insights from watching the documentary about the band’s history?

Lander: "For me, realizing just how young we were. Now, being 36 years old and looking back, it’s beneficial to have all that time pass to see how I might’ve acted differently. There’s a lot of redemption and forgiveness that’s involved in this as well, because there were a lot of girls in the band that left and not always on great terms. It’s all about healing and celebration as much as it is about the fans and the music. I’m glad it opened a dialogue and there was a lot of peace involved in all of that."

Q: Other than the significance of the date, what was the motivation behind making the documentary?

Lander: "In a way, it sums everything up; it puts a nice cap on things. If there was never going to be another Kittie album, I think that this would be a great way to say, 'Well, it’s been a great ride, we may not do this professionally 24/7 anymore, but we can look back and say it was all worth it.' I don’t think that when we set out to do it, that the healing aspect and catharsis was something I was expecting—but I’m certainly glad it happened."

Q: Morgan, you were just 14 when the band took off. Everything exploded so quickly—it was like you guys grew up in studios and on stages. What was that like?

Lander: "It’s been a really interesting life, let me tell you. Honestly, it was a strange time. The album got released and it was really big, and it was like suddenly everything we knew was gone—our lives were forever changed. We were on tour with people twice our age. We were super naïve, enthusiastic, and probably very annoying as well, because we were kids who were genuinely living our dream. You’re trying to figure out who you are as well as navigate the teenage emotions that come with that, but you’re also doing it while you have an audience and critics. It can be very hurtful—a lot of people had a lot of nasty things to say and it was hard on us."

Read the complete interview here.

On October 27th, 2017 Kittie celebrated the premiere of their career-spanning documentary Kittie: Origins/Evolutions by bringing a One Night Only unprecedented afterparty concert event like no other to Rum Runners in their home town of London, Ontario.

The show was an anthology set featuring past and present band members: I've Failed You / In The Black era, the Oracle / Until The End era, and the Spit era. Fan-filmed video and the band's Facebook livestream is available below.

The setlist was as follows:

Morgan Lander, Mercedes Lander, Tara McLeod and Ivy Vujic
"My Plague"
"Cut Throat"
"Empires, Pt. 2"
"Forgive & Forget"
"We Are the Lamb"

Morgan Lander, Mercedes Lander, Jennifer Arroyo and Jeff Phillips
"Pussy Sugar" (first time live since 2011)
"Mouthful of Poison" (first time live since 2012)
"Burning Bridges"
"Pain" (first time live since 2007)

Morgan Lander, Mercedes Lander, Fallon Bowman and Tanya Candler
"Charlotte" (first time live since 2008)
"Choke" (Fallon on vocals. First time live since 2001)
"Paperdoll" (remix version. Tanya on vocals and Morgan on bass, First time live since 2002)
"Brackish" (first time live since 2008)

"Funeral for Yesterday" (acoustic; dedicated to Trish Doan. First time live since 2011)

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