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Welcome to the CitizenScience.Asia portal.

Here are a few things we hope you find interesting to follow up on. We strive to keep you informed as a partner on your citizen science journey. Contact us if there is anything you may be looking for that is not here!

Welcome to the CitizenScience.Asia portal.

Here are a few things we hope you find interesting to follow up on. We strive to keep you informed as a partner on your citizen science journey. Contact us if there is anything you may be looking for that is not here!

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A great event this weekend marking an amazing collaboration between eBird projects across the Asia region. Join eBird India, eBird Taiwan and eBird Thailand for an online symposium entitled From Citizen Science to Conservation Initiative: Examples of eBird in Asia! #citizenscience #birdwatching #birdwatchers #asia #Asia

Image for shared link
From Citizen Science to Conservation Initiative: Examples of eBird in Asia – CitizenScience.Asia

Come join a half-day online symposium presented by eBird Thailand, eBird Taiwan, and eBird India this Sunday! This marks the first collaborative…

Today is Endangered Species Day!

Held on the third Friday of May every year, Endangered Species Day is a day to learn more about efforts to protect animals that are at risk of going extinct. Every day organizations from zoos to reserves to park rangers are working hard to ensure these species have a future. You can find out more and how to help by visiting World Wildlife Fund , world_wildlife ,Zoo and Aquarium Association or Australian Conservation Foundation ausconservation

#natureday #conservation #sustrainability #endangeredspeciesday #endangeredspeciesday2024 #citsci #nature #education

Aufgepasst: Wir brauchen eure Hilfe bei der Suche nach #Igel und #Maulwurf. 😊 Nach dem erfolgreichen Start der Meldeaktion im letzten Jahr, findet vom 17. bis 27. Mai 2024 erneut ein deutschlandweites #Monitoring statt. Die Partner der Initiative „Deutschland sucht Igel und Maulwurf“ rufen dazu auf, Beobachtungen von Igeln sowie Maulwürfen und Maulwurfshügeln in diesem Zeitraum zu melden. ☝️

🔗 Hier könnt ihr eure Sichtungen melden (Link in Bio): und in Bayern:

🌙 Igel könnt ihr nach Anbruch der Dämmerung beobachten. Wenn ihr regelmäßig Igelbesuch im Garten habt, könnt ihr versuchen, diesen mit einem Foto zu dokumentieren. 📷

🕳️ Maulwürfe sind schwerer zu entdecken. Aber ihre Erdhügel, deren Eingang im Gegensatz zu Wühlmaushügeln nahezu senkrecht in den Boden führt, sind ein guter Nachweis von Vorkommen. Da Maulwürfe feste Reviere besetzen und darin keine Artgenossen dulden, kann die Anzahl der Hügel Hinweise darauf geben, ob ein Gebiet gerade bewohnt wird. Wenn der Maulwurf neue Gänge gräbt, können bis zu 20 Hügel pro Tag entstehen. Achtet darauf, ob die Hügel frisch oder alt sind. Als frische Hügel gelten Erdhaufen, die maximal ein bis zwei Tage alt sind.

🚗 Wenn ihr tote oder verletzte Tiere findet, meldet bitte auch diese Beobachtungen.

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr die Aktion über eure Kanäle teilt. 🤝 Markiert uns gern in euren Stories, wenn euch Igel oder Maulwurf vor die Kamera laufen! 😊

➡️ „Deutschland sucht Igel und Maulwurf“ ist ein gemeinsames Projekt von der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung, NABU|naturgucker, dem Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung, der Deutschen Gartenbau-Gesellschaft 1822 e. V., dem NABU Bundesverband und dem Landesbund für Vogel- und Naturschutz in Bayern (LBV). Ziel ist, ein langfristiges Monitoring zu Verbreitung und Vorkommen von Igel und Maulwurf in Deutschland zu etablieren. Die hieraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse erlauben zukünftig eine Bewertung der Bestandssituation von Igel und Maulwurf. Darauf aufbauend können auch gezielte Artenschutzmaßnahmen initiiert werden.

#citizenscience #wildtiere #garten

Learn how to illustrate beetles in watercolour with Anna Voytsekhovich!

During the workshop our participants will learn about beetles, their anatomy, ecology and morphology. Anna will demonstrate different painting techniques and explain how to paint iridescence and various textures on beetles.

Learn how to produce an initial drawing of a beetle, how to scale it, what to include in composition, and then how to transfer these drawings onto paper to produce a beautiful scientifically accurate illustration of a beetle in watercolour.

Date: 13 – 14 June 2024
Time: Thursday/Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm
Address: Queensland Museum, Grey Street, Southbank Precinct, Brisbane
Parking: Cultural Centre Underground Carpark near the museum or via public transport to the city.

Book now via our website or by using the shop link!

#whatsonbrisbane #watercolourart #brisbane #citsci #arttherapy #natureart #education #watercolourclass #watercolorclass #watercolorpainting #beetles #queenslandmuseum

Happy #weevilwednesday

Acorn Weevils (Curculio glandium) are always one of my favorite species to find and photograph, and I'm really happy with how this shot turned out!

📸: Fujifilm X-H2, Laowa 65mm f/2.8, flash with #cygnustechdiffuser

🔧: 35 image focus stack at iso 200, f/5.6, 1/200 second

#weevil #curculionidae #rüsselkäfer #beetle #coleoptera #käfer #insect #insectphotography #macrophotography #makrofotografie #cupoty #wholelottabugs #insectguru #fujifilmxh2 #fujixh2 #fujifilm #laowa65mm laowa.deutschland venuslaowa #laowa #macro #focusstacking #inaturalist #citizenscience

Hello NatureArtLab community!
We're closing bookings for our Costa Rica and Borneo nature tours soon. Each tour has one spot left for a female room share, so if you or someone you know would be interested in an amazing eco friendly tour then please visit our website for more information!

Both trips have photography and nature journaling workshops from our expert tutors and partcipants will get the chance to see many of the unique and rare animals, flora, fungi and insects that each location has to offer, such as Quetzals in Costa Rica or Sun Bears in Borneo!

#citsci #sustainability #nature #arttherapy #natureart #botanicalart #natureartlab #botanical #education #ecotourism #costarica #borneo #naturetour #sustainability #conservation #naturejournaling #photography

Bird nests are tricky to find. Many songbirds build their nests so that predators have a harder time finding them—and those strategies work on us humans too! Nests are built in a variety of places: deep in thick shrubbery, inside tree cavities, on tree branches, tucked into the base of tall grasses, maybe even in overturned flowerpots. Chances are, there are more nests being built around you than you think. How can you find a nest? Tap the link in our profile and select the matching image to read nest-finding tips from NestWatch!

NestWatch data comes from responsible nest monitors who report out on the nests they find. Those observations are compiled into a shared database that builds our understanding of how nesting birds are responding to their changing environments.

[Image description: a bird with a dark crest is nestled into a small, cup-shaped nest. The nest is built of many different fibers, attached to a dangling branch. Text: Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, Terpsiphone paradisi, By Manish Panchal. Cornell Lab | NestWatch

Asianellus festivus

One of the prettiest jumping spider species I've seen in quite a while, I was very happy to see this individual in a small open area in the woods a few weeks back. It was one of the most challenging subjects I've photographed in a long time, constantly moving and jumping out of frame. It took a lot of attempts, but by shooting bursts at 15fps I was able to get a few small focus stacks.

This is by no means a perfect stack, and you can see where I had to use a single frame to retouch in the pedipalps since they were moving nonstop even when the spider stood still, but I'm still happy with the result and glad to have captured photos of this gorgeous species!


📸: Fujifilm X-H2, Laowa 65mm f/2.8, flash with #cygnustechdiffuser

🔧: 9 image focus stack at iso 400, f/5.6, 1/200 second

#jumpingspider #salticidae #springspinne #araneae #spinne #arachnid #all_arachnids #makrofotografie #cupoty #wholelottabugs #insectguru #fujifilmxh2 #fujixh2 #fujifilm #laowa65mm laowa.deutschland venuslaowa #laowa #macro #focusstacking #inaturalist #citizenscience

Big Butterfly Count is back! 🦋 Get out for the Count from the 12 July – 4 August 2024

Last year more than 135,000 Counts took place up and down the country, with participants spending a combined total of almost four years counting butterflies!

Can you help us to make this the biggest year yet?

📷: Red Admiral – Michael Preston (mikerobp)

#BigButterflyCount #SaveButterflies #MothsMatter #Wildlife #Nature #Summer #CitizenScience

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