Coming November 2023: A new analysis experience on Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight is a scalable, serverless, embeddable, machine learning (ML)-powered business intelligence (BI) service built for the cloud. It enables you to create and publish interactive dashboards and highly formatted reports accessible through web browsers or mobile devices. Starting November 7, 2023 – QuickSight is introducing an updated analysis experience, enabling a more intuitive and efficient way for you to author dashboards on QuickSight. In this post, we will walk you through the key experiences of this redesign and explore the enhanced workflows that will empower authors to create beautiful dashboards and reports.

With the new experience, we are redesigning the core authoring workflows to be more intuitive, scalable, and efficient. This post outlines the key elements and the core authoring workflows that has been redesigned.

Key experiences

QuickSight offers the following key experiences with this redesign:

  • 3-pane layout – Offers a new, streamlined layout that provides a clear and organized workspace for easy navigation between data, visualization building, and object properties. The 3-pane analysis experience includes updates to pane components, new vertically organized field wells, drag and drop fields, add/edit workflow, visual type selector redesign, and the Properties pane.
  • The Analysis toolbar – Provides access to essential authoring, editing, and pane-management functions with just a click, allowing you to work more efficiently across the analysis experience.

The following shows how the core authoring workflows are redesigned to streamline the creation process:

  • Add visual – Authors will experience a smoother process of seamlessly adding visuals to their canvas in multiple ways. We’ve made it easier to differentiate between adding visuals and adding other objects like text and custom content, which provides authors with greater flexibility and control.
  • Change visuals – Changing visual is now more intentional with the redesigned UI. Based on whether the author has a visual selected or not, the UI adapts to the context, preventing any accidental changes while still enabling seamless modification.
  • Adding data to visuals – Vertical field wells located next to the field list provide an easy way to drag and drop data fields, enhancing the workflow for authors.

Edit properties Properties is now a dedicated pane that opens on the right side of the screen and makes it easy to edit the properties of one or more visuals. The properties pane now consolidates all object-related properties, including conditional formatting and actions.

Navigating the the new experience: While most changes we are introducing are designed to be intuitive, we are also introducing the ability for authors to search any analysis action to resolve the challenges of discovering features and workflows. Integrated within the Analysis menu, quick search significantly eases the task of locating any feature within the analysis experience. With search results refined with each keystroke, quick search makes finding specific features effortless. You can navigate to desired features, while boosting productivity in dashboard creation tasks.

Opting out of the beta experience – If you want to return to the previous experience, you can do so until November 21, 2023. To opt out, click New Look in the top right of the toolbar, then select Switch back. You can always revisit this option to switch back to the new look when you’re ready.


In this post, we showed how the redesigned analysis experience further enables QuickSight to serve as a robust, flexible, and secure BI platform suitable for a wide range of data analytics requirements. The core authoring workflows redesign is available starting November 7, 2023.

For more information, refer to Amazon QuickSight and the What’s New Feed for QuickSight.

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment.

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About the author

Rushabh Vora is a Senior Technical Product Manager for Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Web Service’s cloud-native, fully managed BI service. He is passionate about Data Visualization. Prior to QuickSight, he was working with Amazon Business as a Product Manager.

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