[NSFW] poop.com.co pop up

Description of the issue:
Pop up

Exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave:

**What OS are you using when you see the ad?**Android 13

**Brave version (check About Brave):**Brave 1.64.116, Chromium 123.0.6312.105

If you go into your browser at the top of browser where the Brave browser icon is Click it, you’ll see a switch that says block scripts if you click that the pop up won’t show up. :wink:

Thx u for your advice. But blocking JavaScript potentially break the site as i know

use ublock origin addon which is ALWAYS

you can see using ublock origin, popups does not appear on this website.
so why use brave adblocking whose handled by fanboynz who is ignorant on this issue?

It is NOT okay to attack Brave employees, here or elsewhere. You’re free to submit feedback and suggestions for our adblocker and features but please do so in a respectful and constructive manner.

do visit above website & see if you access/play the video

  • popups

latest updates installed

Attack? I do not understand, but I digress.

Like I said, you’re free to submit reports of adblocking not applying as expected and we’ll get to it ASAP. But we’re a very small team and calling people ignorant is neither productive nor civil and definitely not true.

Please read https://community.brave.com/faq#civil before posting.

Can you confirm that “Block trackers and ads” is not off?

I can repro on iOS as well. Looking into it

i did not touched any settings

any updates because website does not work for me

Working fine now. Using brave browser on Android device

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Don’t be silly… fanboynz never ignore AdBlock issue from brave users, if you want to track his work maintain the filter lists just go to Easylist/brave repo on GitHub

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