Welcome to Corazón Yoga!

Corazón Yoga is the life work of JennyO., a yogini who is committed to sharing yoga with a broad and diverse audience throughout Austin and creating yoga communities where they don’t already exist. She teaches various styles of yoga, meditation, and healing sound across the city of Austin, Texas. In addition to public classes and private sessions (in either English or Spanish), Jenny O. is also the founder of CarryOM, an Austin-based non-profit dedicated to bringing the practice and teachings of yoga to those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience its transformational benefits.

Special Offerings Just for You

I’m so excited to offer Sangha: Community with JennyO 
This is an online community always of you, by you, for you. Harmony in unity as that’s what Sangha is really about. “Still together while Apart”.
I have put together a selection of offerings just for you.
Learn more about my offerings.
Ayurveda for a Heart Centered Life is an inspiring and nourishing program led by JennyO. Ayurveda, the science of life, is a sister science of Yoga. In this training, you will learn how to align your lifestyle with the rhythms of nature, care for your unique constitution, and fortify your seasonal self care practices.
Learn more about this program
Coming… 300 hour Teacher Training led by JennyO with guest teachers. This will be a modular training–you can do the entire 300 hours to complete a 500 hour course. You can take them if you simply want to deepen your practice. The first course will be an Introduction to Ayurveda. If you would like more info please email me at Corazonyogaatx@gmail.com.

Journey Women presents a half-day retreat for Women by Women

A Meditation Just for You

I am creating a Youtube channel where you will have unlimited access to meditations including Yoga Nidra a iRest, and other musings. Here’s a taste of what is to come. Take a few minutes and enjoy the complimentary meditation below.

Simply click on the picture.

Join me in an 8-minute meditation among the trees & big blue sky.

“What a treasure it is to be back learning and growing with your gentle guidance. Thank you for your accepting and generous spirit and for sharing your heart and mind with me.” – Jan F.

“Your classes are a blessing!” – Terese M.

“I don’t know if I can ever explain the kind of positive impact you’ve had on my life. You have been a stable and pragmatic source of love. You have consistently nurtured me through a transition into becoming a healthier and better person.” – Harmony D.