NOVA SD Promo Code

Use promo code DISCO to get $5 off your tickets on certain nights to Nova in San Diego.

You can buy tickets to Nova here.

Industry, the speculation surrounding this new expansion bloomed in later on last year. A casting call for San Diego was advertised on Instagram by Insomniac with their sights set specifically on finding new team members who were bartenders, promoters, artist liaisons, and more. EDM Identity has independently confirmed that interviews took place for these new jobs. Further, sources have said that the club will be rebranded with a new name, NOVA SD.

Technology is at the forefront with a massive concave LED screen above the DJ area, completely programmable for an immersive experience of both sight and sound. The lighting system creates rich and dynamic effects throughout, complemented by a state-of-the-art custom sound system by industry leader L’Acoustics Sound Technology. Together, the lighting and sound effects create a striking interplay with the space’s inventive design to create an experience of layers and dimensions.