I’ve known about this procedural fantasy city/town generator for a while. You can find it here. I decided to try and see if there was anything I could do with it. It all works in your browser. You can export SVG files, so I thought I would give it a try.

Illustrator did have some problems opening up the SVG file, but it seems enough of it made it intact. Working with it was a breeze. I added some colour and then brought everything into Photoshop for further refinement.

I came across an image of some sort of campaign for an RPG game called Pathfinder. It had something in the style I was looking for for to emulate. The name I gave it was a little on the nose, but good enough for a portfolio piece I think. It turned out pretty decently. I had to bring out just about every trick I could think of to get it to work. Believe it or not the type, is mostly just fonts (no need to break out the calligraphy set on this one!), though it did require a few adjustments. Free Google fonts only really get you so far.

My son certainly liked it. He was disappointed that it wasn’t really a game he could play. It was just a picture his Dad drew on the computer.

Oh and here’s a screen shot of my file. Notice the labels on all my layers? Thought you did. Enjoy!