Navigating personal issues, big and small

You and your family members have access to the university's employee assistance program 24/7, 365 days a year

Counselor gives thumbs up to young man appearing on her computer screen


Although life has changed since the start of the pandemic, the JHU community has shown resilience through these unprecedented times. From balancing remote work with virtual learning and homeschooling to maintaining basic levels of self-care at the same time, the stresses of life can really add up.

JHU's mySupport is available to help you continue to prioritize your needs and the needs of your family. The Benefits & Worklife employee assistance program is designed to help with personal tasks that range from booking vacation travel arrangements to finding mental health resources.

Whatever your need, mySupport is free, confidential, and at your service 24/7, 365 days a year—for you and your household family members and children living away from home up to age 26. Call mySupport at 443-997-7000.

Posted in Benefits+Perks

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