Revista Horizonte Lechero, Año 2015, Edición 2

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NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (NRC). 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th revised edition. National Academy Press. Washington, D. C. 381p. OETZEL, G. R. Understanding the impact of subclinical ketosis. Proceedings of the 2012 Cornell nutrition Conference for feed manufactures. New York. Pp. 12-21. PEDRON O., CHELI F., SENATORE E., BAROLI D., RIZZI R. 1993. Effect of body condition score at calving on performance, some blood parameters, and milk fat acid composition in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 76:2528. ROCHE J.R., LEE J.M., MACDONALD K.A., BERRY D.P. 2007. Relationships among body condition score, body weight, and milk production variables in pasture-based dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 90:3802-3815. ROCHE J.R., FRIGGENS N.C., KAY J.K., FISHER M.W., STANFFORD K.J., BERRY D.P. 2009. Invited review: Body condition score and its association with dairy cow productivity, health and welfare. Journal of Dairy Science. 92:5769-5801. SABORÍO-MONTERO A., SÁNCHEZ J. Ml. 2014. Evaluación de la condición corporal en un hato de vacas Jersey en pastoreo en la zona alta de Cartago. Variaciones durante el ciclo productivo. Agronomía Costarricense 38(1): 56-65. WILDMAN E.E., JONES G.M., WAGNER P.E., BOMAN H., TROUTT F., LESCH N. 1982. A dairy cow body condition scoring system and its relationships to selected production characteristics. Journal of Dairy Science. 65:495. ■

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