Learn JLPT N1 Vocabulary: 齎す (motarasu)

Learn JLPT N1 Vocabulary: 齎す (motarasu)

Kana: もたらす
Kanji: 齎す
Romaji: motarasu

Type: Verb
Meaning: to bring, to take, to bring about
JLPT level: N1

Example sentences:

kono poorando hoshou koso, senka no souki bakuhatsu to seikai taisen o motarasu motto mo kakujitsu na shisaku de atta.
The Polish Guarantee was the surest way to produce an early explosion, and a world war.

kare wa, jibun jishin ni meiyo to eikou o, korera no hanzai ga motarasu koto o nozonde iru no desu.
He wants the credit of these crimes for his own honor and glory.

齎す (motarasu)

horyo ga motarashita jouhou no juudaisa ni utagai no yochi wa nasasou datta.
Of the seriousness of the prisoner’s information there should also have been no doubt.

sono tame takoku ni kutsuu ya, toki ni wa kaimetsuteki na higai o motarasu koto sae aru.
The results would be painful or even devastating for other countries.

Meaning in other languages:

Chinese: 引发 (yǐnfā)
Korean: 초래하다 (cholaehada)

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