Shout Out – Vånna Inget

Posted on May 2, 2018


While listening to Hurula I was asking my sister if she knew any other similar bands, and she listed a few and I remember Vånna Inget being one of them.
It took me about 3 months or something later before I finally decided to check them out and I was instantly blown away whilst listening to tracks such as “Allvar”, “Krockade Bilar” and “Jag Ska Fly Tills Jag Hittar Hem”.

So I simply had to have both their albums and they arrived today, signed by the band so a huge thank you guys!
If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is melodic Swedish Punk/Indie-Rock with a fantastic female singer so if you’re into this genre I highly suggest you check them out!
And if you like them, go to their website and support them directly :)

Thank you once again Vånna Inget for these awesome albums and for signing them :)

Band photo by: Hugo Nabo

Posted in: Övrigt