How to configure a custom AlarmNotifier
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How to configure a custom AlarmNotifier


Article ID: 196879


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


What would be the steps to create a custom AlarmNotifier?


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


1. Make a copy of the existing $SPECROOT/Notifier/ directory.

2. Rename it to the desired name.

3. Edit the $SPECROOT/Notifier_ABC/.alarmrc file, and change the path of the SET_SCRIPT, CLEAR_SCRIPT, and UPDATE_SCRIPT variables.

4. Using the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/partslist/ALARMNOTIFIER.idb file as a template, create the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/partslist/NOTIFIER_ABC.idb file and edit it as follow:

# Processd Install Ticket for Notifier_ABC
NUMPROCS;1; // one per host
RETRYTIMEOUT;600; // 10 minutes
RETRYMAX;3;     // 3 retries allowed

5. To launch the NOTIFIER_ABC.idb by the Spectrum Process Daemon, restart the processed as follow:

a) Open a bash shell (bash -login) window as Spectrum Install Owner account

b) Navigate to the $SPECROOT/lib/SDMP/ directory

c) Run: ./processd --restart (Note: This command will not restart the SpectroSERVER application)

NOTE: In Spectrum onwards do NOT run the ./ script. Run the ./processd --restart or run: systemctl restart processd (in Linux)

6. The AlarmNotifier process located in $SPECROOT/Notifier_ABC/ directory shows up in Windows Task Manager

7. The Notifier_ABC SANM Application should be visible in the Locater Search Results TAB.

If it was not created due to a problem you had to start the NOTIFIER_ABC via Spectrum Process Daemon, you will have to manually launch the AlarmNotifier.exe to create the Notifier_ABC SANM Application.

a) First, stop the NOTIFIER_ABC process via Install Ticket. In a bash shell (bash -login), navigate to the $SPECROOT/bin/ directory and run the following command line:

./cmdC.exe <SS_hostname> 2 NOTIFIER_ABC

b) Manually launch the AlarmNotifier.exe along with "-n" parameter from the $SPEROOT/Notifier_ABC/ directory. See the syntax below:

./AlarmNotifier.exe -n Notifier_ABC

c) Press <Ctrl> + <C> to end AlarmNotifier.exe process. (You may need to press <Ctrl> + <C> multiples times to end successfully)

d) Start the NOTIFIER_ABC process via Install Ticket. In a bash shell (bash -login), navigate to the $SPECROOT/bin/ directory and run the following command line:

./launchinstdbapp.exe <SS_hostname> NOTIFIER_ABC y NOTIFIER_ABC.OUT

e) The Notifier_ABC Application should be displayed in the Locater search.

8. You can then create the SANM Policy and SANM Filters.


Additional Information

How to configure Spectrum Alarm Notifier to send email notifications

How to configure the ServiceAide (formerly known as CA Cloud Service Management) integration with SD_Notifier

When using a custom AlarmNotifier, created by using a non default-directory, the AlarmNotifier does not upgrade by the DX NetOps Spectrum migration task and it results in having AlarmNotifier executable files (and modules/libraries) not in sync with the upgraded DX NetOps Spectrum install. This may cause severe issues such as, having the "old_release Notifier" opening a connection to the "new_release SpectroSERVER". In this case you have to manually update the custom AlarmNotifier directory to cover the current release executables/modules.