The Power of the Consumer in the Forefront: Changing Marketing Perspectives with UGC

Mete Cevik
3 min readDec 21, 2023

User-Generated Content (UGC), which is content created and shared by internet users, is one of the most significant phenomena in today’s digital world. This content can include blog posts, videos, comments, photographs, and more. The importance of UGC lies in enabling brands and businesses to form a more organic and trustworthy connection with consumers. Real user experiences and feedback are considered reliable sources of information for potential customers and increase brand loyalty.

What are the Differences Between Influencer and UGC?

The fundamental difference between influencer marketing and UGC is who creates the content and how it is presented. Influencers are usually social media personalities hired by brands to promote certain products or services. UGC, on the other hand, is entirely organic and user-focused, reflecting the real experiences of actual customers. Therefore, UGC is considered more genuine and trustworthy, whereas influencer content is sometimes seen as less reliable due to its commercial purposes.

Why Are Companies No Longer Wanting to Collaborate with Influencers?

Today, some companies are moving away from influencer marketing. This trend indicates significant changes in their marketing strategies and is due to various reasons.

Credibility Issues: One of the biggest concerns for companies is influencers artificially inflating their follower numbers or manipulating engagement rates. This makes it difficult for companies to achieve true interaction and conversion rates.

ROI (Return on Investment) Uncertainty: Measuring the ROI of influencer marketing can be challenging. Some companies struggle to determine the direct contribution of influencer campaigns to concrete sales or increased brand awareness.

Brand Mismatch: Collaborations with influencers might not always align perfectly with the identity and values of a brand. Incorrect transmission of the brand message or wrong influencer selection can damage the brand image.

Search for Authentic Content: Consumers are now more skeptical of influencer content and value authentic, real user experiences more. Therefore, companies are turning to more realistic marketing methods like UGC (User-Generated Content).

Control Difficulties: Working with influencers can make it hard for brands to control the message. Personal opinions or behaviors of an influencer, when associated with a brand, can have negative consequences.

These changes are leading to new trends in marketing strategies and steering companies towards more authentic, reliable, and measurable marketing methods. By adapting to these changes in consumer behavior, companies are directing their marketing efforts more effectively.

Why Do People Now Trust UGC More?

People have begun to trust real user experiences over professional advertisements by brands. UGC, containing genuine thoughts and experiences of consumers, can be more convincing and persuasive for potential customers. Additionally, with the increasing use of social media platforms, people can more easily share their experiences and opinions.

What Awaits Us as UGC Spreads Globally?

As UGC spreads globally, brands and businesses will start adopting user experiences as a more central strategy. This trend will continue to play a significant role in marketing strategies, increasing customer participation and engagement. Moreover, the growing popularity of UGC indicates that algorithms and artificial intelligence will need to more effectively analyze and present such content.

Will UGC Become a New Source of Revenue?

UGC is opening new avenues of revenue for both content creators and brands. Users can attract the attention of brands with their content and potentially obtain sponsorship or partnership opportunities. For brands, using real user stories can reduce advertising costs and yield higher conversion rates. With the increasing importance of UGC, platforms and tools offering creative and innovative solutions in this area will come to the forefront.

Digital Marketing Basics



Mete Cevik

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