SEO: What is a Backlink How to Have Qualified Backlinks

Dogu Baklaci
2 min readJan 8, 2020

Hello! I am going to talk about Backlinks that everyone has to get for websites.

For now, I will start explaining the topic of basic Backlinks that have high quality and I will mention the main backlink resources. For then, I will write a more detailed article about having organic Backlink

What is a Backlink?

Backlink as meaning, to get a backlink, the reference links from other websites. The purpose is to get it from websites that have good authorities and from the same categories as you. You can get them either manually or work with a digital marketing agency.

Verities of Backlinks

Let’s think that we have a holiday website and we would like to improve our SEO ranking by getting Backlinks

Sectoral Backlink: These are our sectoral backlinks that are from other holiday websites or we got by giving our articles to them like guest blogging.

The Links From Authorizer Websites: These websites provide us to increase our position on Google, as an illustration, news sites for local SEO rankings.

Edu and Gov Backlinks: Edu and Gov websites are considered as authorizer websites. The impact of these websites is extremely effective because of the eyes of search engines, your site will seem like a website that gets references from “governmental websites” and you can see the increase visibly. (In general, you should work with an agency, as well as can get them by commenting on university and state sites.)

Commentaries: These are the most affordable methods. For example, we can comment on another holiday website by mentioning our website. You can get backlinks by using this technique.

Forums: You can get backlinks from forums with your website introduction text. You can share as a post. Also, you can add it to your profile page.

Blogs: You can get backlinks as you do on forums or with payments

Directory Sites: Plenty of directory sites exit on the digital media, they may be free meanwhile. (We added our holiday website in firm directory sites)

Social Media (Social Bookmarking): Posting and sharing articles, blog texts and stuff like that. (Reddit, Quora, Twitter, Medium as well)

Link Wheel: Link wheel is one of the most important external dynamics for our websites. The goal is that, connecting our fake blogs to each other by blogging, after these blogs we can add our primary website as a reference.

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