4 Reasons Men Simp

Marc A. Cunningham
4 min readJul 18, 2023

I wouldn’t be surprised if I opened a dictionary, looked up the word “simp,” and saw a picture of myself with a big cheesy smile. I’ll be completely transparent: I know more about simping from first-hand experience than I’d like to admit. But you know the saying, “You live, and you learn.”

According to dictionary.com, “Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of winning some entitled sexual attention or activity from them.” Sometimes, Philogony can bite you in the ass. However, as I looked back in time, I realized that some of the most influential and respected men in history (who’ve shaped our modern culture) did their fair share of simping as well. Biblically, King David betrayed Uriah (his friend and highest-ranking officer in his army) to sleep with his wife, Bathsheba. King Solomon strayed away from his faith and followed the Gods of his wives. Delilah manipulated Samson into telling her the essence of his strength. Not fond of the stories in the bible? Cool! There were Mark Antony and Julius Ceasar, who both had a costly lapse in judgment regarding their romance with Cleopatra.

Men have been simping for centuries and continue to do so today. The main difference is that men were commended for their efforts back then, and today, they are crucified for going above and beyond to express interest in a woman who doesn’t immediately reciprocate with the same intensity.

So, what makes a man go to unfathomable lengths to gain the affection of the woman he desires? Let’s dig in!

Thrill Of The Hunt

By nature, men are wired to hunt. Add a woman he truly fancies as the prize for our pursuit, and he’ll move mountains to obtain her love, even if he looks like a fool. If a man isn’t willing to simp at some point, it may indicate the game he’s trying to catch is too easy and presents no challenges.

Validation From His Peers

It might sound bad, but people seem to respect a man more when he shows up with a woman. The adoration is even higher if she’s deemed attractive. Not only do men seem to respect you more, but oddly, women seem to desire you more. You post a pic or story with your new boo on social media, the fellas send you a thumbs up as a sign of respect, and the DM’s come in from women confessing their feelings and regret.

He Genuinely Likes The Woman

There is little else to say here. Sometimes, the feelings aren’t motivated by exterior motives other than a man wanting to capture the heart of the woman he’s pursuing. These are typically the hopeless romantics and the flowers, cards, and candy type of guys. He’ll pull out all the stops, even if it makes him look foolish.

He Has Oneitis

I’m very empathetic with men who find themselves here. A woman (who he thought was out of his league) showed him the tiniest bit of interest, and he took it and ran with it. Ultimately chasing her away and ruining his chances. In his eyes, she’s the only one who’s shown him interest, so he made it a point to satisfy his hunger with the breadcrumbs she gave him that were so tiny he could barely taste them. It’s pathetic, not because of his actions, but because he doubts his worth and hasn’t realized some women will mirror his interest.

Bill Wheather said it best:

“Yes, I wanna spread the news

That if it feels this good gettin’ used

Oh, you just keep on usin’ me

Until you use me up.”

Women Are Powerful

Not to knock how any woman decides to carry herself, but there’s something magical about a woman who’s dolled up, smells pleasant, and dresses nice. Her high heels clinking on the ground as she walks is musically rhythmatic. It’s almost impossible for a man not to be drawn to her and operate on the command of her voice.

While I’m not advocating for simping, I am saying that it’s much more common than men like to admit. Each man has his unique reason for going above and beyond to get the woman’s attention he desires. As long his pursuit isn’t causing the woman any discomfort, and she’s open to it, let him have at it until he reaches his conclusion to continue or stop. Who knows, his pursuits might land him the woman of his dreams while everyone else is on the sidelines alone, being judgemental, following dating advice that doesn’t work and trying to play it too cool.



Marc A. Cunningham

Thoughts are meant to be shared. Well, some of them. I hope you enjoy the ramblings on my mind. Writer/Filmmaker/Digital Creator/Winemaker