7 Node.js best practices to consider in 2023

Hitesh Sapra
3 min readJun 20, 2023
  1. Embrace TypeScript: TypeScript is increasingly becoming popular in the Node.js community. It adds static typing to JavaScript, providing better code quality, improved developer productivity, and enhanced tooling support. Consider adopting TypeScript for your Node.js projects catch errors early, improve maintainability, and leverage its rich ecosystem.
  2. Use ECMAScript modules (ESM): Node.js has been moving towards native support for ECMAScript modules, which offer a more standardized and modern approach to modular coding. In 2023, it is recommended to adopt ESM over CommonJS for better interoperability with the widest JavaScript ecosystem and improved tree-shaking capabilities for smaller bundle sizes.
  3. Explore Deno: Deno is a secure and a modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. It addresses some of the limitations and security concerns of Node.js and provides a new perspective on server-side JavaScript development. Consider exploring Deno as an alternative to Node.js, especially for greenfield projects or specific use cases.
  4. Opt for GraphQL: GraphQL has gained significant popularity as an alternative to traditional RESTful APIs. It provides efficient data retrieval, flexible querying, and reduced network overhead. Consider using GraphQL with libraries like Apollo Server to build robust and scalable APIs in Node.js.
  5. Adopt serverless architecture: Serverless computing continues to grow in popularity, offering auto-scaling, pay-per-use pricing, and simplified deployment. Platforms like AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions provide excellent support for Node.js. Evaluate the feasibility of serverless architecture for your applications to benefit from reduced operational overhead and improved scalability.
  6. Implement server-side rendering (SSR): Server-side rendering can enhance the performance and user experience of your web applications by rendering the initial page on the server. Libraries like Next.js and Nuxt.js provide excellent SSR capabilities in the Node.js ecosystem. Consider incorporating SSR into your applications for improved SEO, faster initial load times, and better perceived performance.
  7. Leverage cloud-native technologies: Cloud-native technologies, such as Kubernetes and containers, are increasingly popular for building scalable and resilient applications. Consider containerizing your Node.js applications using tools like Docker and orchestrating them with Kubernetes. This approach enables efficient resource utilization, easier deployment, and improved scalability.

Remember, best practices can evolve over time, so it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends, community recommendations, and emerging technologies in the Node.js ecosystem.

