Puppy Day School

 Puppy Day School (8 weeks to 6 months)

Have a New Puppy and need help from highly skilled trainers to make puppy raising a little easier? Mollie’s Dog Place can help. We are now offering a new 4 week Puppy Day School that provides a safe and structured environment where your puppy gets the training, socialization, enrichment and other valuable life skills they need in order to become a confident, well-rounded companion for your family. We use positive training methods making training a FUN experience for your puppy.
Puppy's will attend be able to attend school MWF from 8am to Noon and learn an assortment of handy skills including all our puppy manner basics.

There are only a limited number of spots available for this first session so call today to find out more and reserve your spot.


4 Weeks for $1,250

4 Week flex pay of $350 a week for 4 weeks


Group Classes

Group Classes: We use an open enrollment system for group classes.  You work at your own pace, and graduate to the next level when you and your dog are ready to move up.  You can attend classes as frequently as you like, or skip a week or two if you schedule changes.  You will not fall beheind becasue everyone in class is working on the same skill at their own level. 


Class Credits: We provide a variety of Class Credit Pricing Options to help you meet your training goals.  Each class credit you purchase can be used to attend our group classes.  Check out our pricing options. 

Complimentary - Meet and Greet Orientation

Learn all about our curriculum, approach, and how to get the most out of your Mollie’s Dog Place Training class! Meet and Greet Orientation is required before starting Manners 101, the first class for dogs older than 6 months. You'll get to see our facility, chat with a trainer, and leave confident and prepared for your first group class! The orientation is complementary. 

You'll need to bring the same things you would for class- your dog on a collar or harness, a non-retractable 6 foot leash, and treats. All these items can also be purchased in our retail store if needed. Please complete our new dog information form and your dog's most recent shot records. Dogs 6 months and older must be up to date on Parvo, Distemper, Bordetella and Rabies. Everyone in Puppy Preschool starts at the same place and we cover the orientation topics in class. If your dog is 4 months or younger you can begin without the meet and greet.

If you are concerned your dog may be too reactive for group class or if you would like to begin advanced coursework Contact us to schedule a private evaluation. 

If you can not attend a scheduled meet and greet, give us a call so we can acommadate you. 


If you are concerned that your dog may be too reactive for group class or if you would like to begin advanced coursework Contact us to schedule a private evaluation. 

Cost is $25 for a 30 min session. Contact us to book an appointment. 

Puppy Preschool (2 to 4 Months)

For puppies 2 to 4 months. Join a group socialization class for your puppy and earn how to address housebreaking, nipping, chewing, and jumping problems. Join with other puppy owners. Puppy club offers instructor guided socialization and group play time for the little ones with an emphasis on socialization this intro to puppy obedience addresses common challenges with raising and training a puppy. Pre-Requisites: Pups must be 9 – 16 weeks at the time of the session & pup has a minimum of two sets of vaccinations prior to coming.

Puppy Manners (4 to 6 months)

Ready for your dog to listen to you and have behavior you’re proud of? Want to have fun while you train? This class sets the foundation for a lifetime of learning. We will focus on getting your pup's attention, sit, down, stay, and polite greetings, and tackle common problem puppy behaviors like jumping & nipping. This fundamental puppy training is designed to be fun and engaging to build communication and confidence. Basics of loose-lease walking and coming when called are also covered. We use positive, reward-based techniques to help you build your relationship with your dog and get great results. Pre-Requisites: Dogs must be current on vaccinations

Manners 101- Foundation Manners

Ready for your dog to listen to you and have behavior you’re proud of? Want to have fun while you train? Trainers will coach you at your dog’s skill level with games and individual instruction in a group environment. following core behaviors: Sit, Down, Place, Come, Stay, Walk on a Loose Leash, and Leave It. Best of all, your dog learns to calmly handle the distractions of other people and dogs. We use positive, reward-based techniques to help you build your relationship with your dog and get great results.
After Manners 101 class, you and your dog will be eligible for Dog Tricks 1 Class.

Manners 201 - Intermediate

This class teaches new skills AND adds challenges to the Manners 101 skills to make them even more reliable. Your dog will learn to be calmer in exciting situations – like when you have guests in your home, go for walks or take him out in public. Manners 201 builds upon the skills learned in Manners 101. In Manners 101, we help you transfer those basic manners skills to real world applications. Classes focus on fun ways to practice skills in new locations and learning how to generalize behaviors. Some of what you'll learn in Manners 201"
Skills worked on in Advanced Obedience include:
-Polite on leash greetings
-Recall of distractions
-Loose leash walking past distractions
-Calmly working in close proximity with other dogs (more focus on you)
-Phasing out treat rewards

We recommend you keep the momentum going by taking Manners 201 immediately after completing Manners 101. If your dog isn’t quite ready for the challenges of Manners 201, your instructor will recommend some great options for getting ready.
After Manners 201 class, you and your dog will be eligible for Agility, Rally Foundation or Manners 301.

Manners 301- Advanced

This dynamic class is the ideal stepping stone to more advanced work. It’s also a great way to build your dog’s focus on you and impulse control with distractions. You’ll refine your marker/clicker skills and take your own training skills to a new level.

Progressing through Manners 1, 2 and 3 helps your dog develop into a great companion who can be a big part of your life. You will be able to increasingly count on his behavior in challenging, exciting and distracting environments.

The basic behaviors will be proofed in challenging environments. We’ll sprinkle in working outside of the training ring (in the shop, parking lot and spectator area) to help your dog “generalize” what he performs in the training ring to the outside world.

This class is excellent preparation for the AKC CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and CGCA (Advanced) tests.

Puppy Agility

You and your puppy will learn agility prep activities that are appropriate for your puppy's age. Puppy will be introduced to foundation exercise and low-level equipment. By the time they are old enough for Agility for fun the obstacles will be no big deal! Pups will polish their foundational cues, are introduced to new surfaces, and new directional cues. 

Prerequisites: Puppy Manners or consent from instructor.  For puppies 4 months to 12 months

Agility 101 for Fun

In Agility, you and your dog will learn the basics of dog agility. Dogs will be introduced to obstacles and development of control and confidence. 

Prerequisites: Manners 101 or consent from instructor.  For dogs 9 months and older.

Agility 201

In Agility 201, you and your dog will develop greater control and fluidity as we introduce coursework and footwork.  We will also trouble shoot some of the more pesky agility obstacles to increase speed.  

Prerequisites: Agility 101 or consent from instructor.  Dogs must be 9 months or older

Agility 301

Agility 301 emphasizes footwork, precesion & Off-Leash control. 

Prerequisites: Agility 201 or consent from instructor.  For dogs one year an up.

Agility League

Team up with your classmates for some friendly competition in our weekly Agility Leauge, designed to keep you and your dog fit & active while enjoying a great evening with like minded dog woners. Open to all breeds and sizes of dogs.  

Prerequisites: Agility 201 or consent from instructor.  For dogs nine months and up.

Rally Novice

Looking for a fun way to build more focus with your dog? Whether you are preparing to take a Canine Good Citizen test, Therapy Test or maybe you just want to try something new…Rally helps you build a great foundation with your dog and can help you in many other teamwork events.  This class refines your dogs basic manners and has real life applications.  Skill focus includes Sit-Down-Stand in Heel Position, Figure 8s, Loose Leash Walking, Pivots, and Recall. We use positive training techniques in a fun and supportive environment.

You are eligible for this class after completing Manners 201.

Trick Dog 1

Dog Tricks are excellent to teach focus around other dogs. This class is designed to teach the foundations of trick training while working towards AKC titles in the Novice and Intermediate levels. Whether you are a title-hound or are looking to do tricks just for fun, this class is a great start to your journey- we will learn tricks that introduce body awareness such as Get in a Box, Spin, High Five, Sit Pretty, and more! Each level of Trick Dog class will cover training at least 12 of the tricks from that level’s Tricks Checklist. Each week you’ll get a chance to demonstrate the tricks your dog mastered. When you have demonstrated 10 of the tricks, you’ll earn your official AKC Trick Dog title!


Prerequisites: Manners 101 or consent of instructor. For dogs six months and up.

Specialty Classes

Shy Dog

Is your dog nervous meeting new people or dogs? Learn how to help your dog overcome fear and anxiety in a controlled environment.

Prerequisites: For dogs six months and up.

Calm Dog Class

This session is for dogs who get rambunctious, excited & uncontrollable? This class teaches self-control techniques to calm your dog around distractions. Perfect for adolescent dogs.

Prerequisites: For dogs nine months and up.

Loose Leash

Need help getting your dog for a walk without frustrations or hassle. This specialty session focuses on heeling, leash control and response to distractions.

Prerequisites: For dogs six months and up.

Helpful Canine

This speciality session is customized to be able to work with your dog to learn helpful tasks that are fun and helpful such as retrieving dropped items, retrieving named items, opening and closing doors, tugging clothes to help with removal, carry mail or other items, put items on countertop and more. 

Prerequisites: For dogs six months and up

Onsite Private Training

Private dog training, scheduled at times convenient to you, is ideal if you’d prefer one-on-one attention, your schedule makes it difficult to attend group classes, your dog is too reactive to participate in a group setting, you’d like to focus on a specific behavior issue, or you wish to accelerate the learning of any behaviors.