ageLOC TR90 Eating Plan

A breakthrough weight management and body shaping system

Ageloc TR90 gives you the ability to continue on your journey to a leaner, healthier, and happier life. The easy eating plan is an essential component of the ageloc TR90 system. It is a scientifically advanced, safe, and balanced diet that is intended to support healthy weight control.

The eating plan is broken down into three easy steps: 3-2-1. That means you have to do certain things three times a day, other things twice a day, and some things just once a day. The 3-2-1 method is intended to make your food plan simple and easy to remember.

It also teaches you how to organize your everyday meals. 3. is the first step. Some tasks must be completed three times each day. For example, if you take Ageloc TR90 Fit three times per day, you should also consume three servings of lean protein three times per day. In just a minute, you’ll discover how to determine how much lean protein you need, but for most individuals, 30 grams of protein three times a day is plenty.

Why is it critical to consume at least 30 grams of protein three times each day? Because muscle tissue takes up less room in the body than fat tissue, scientists believe that diet is an important factor in improving and maintaining lean muscle. To support lean muscle, you need the appropriate quantity of protein in your diet every day. In addition, getting enough protein helps your body burn rather than store the food you consume.

As a result, we know we require at least 30 grams of protein three times each day. It is essential to remember, however, that this protein consumption should be spaced out equally throughout the day. Many individuals make the mistake of missing breakfast, eating a quick and simple lunch, and then eating a large supper. Unfortunately, this means you’re only receiving enough protein at supper.


As seen in the first graph, this puts you in the fat-burning zone for just 3 hours each day. If you eat protein for breakfast, you will be in the fat burning zone for another 3 hours, and if you eat protein for lunch, you will be in the fat burning zone for an additional 3 hours. The total amount of time spent in the fat burning zone each day will be about 9 hours (Graph 2).

It’s easy to figure out how much protein you need each day. The instructions for doing so are on page 25 of your ageloc TR90 program handbook. I’ll take you through the procedure. To begin, divide your desired weight by 2.2 to convert it to kilograms. Assume that your desired weight is 140 pounds. Take 140 and divide it by 2.2. If you wind up with a decimal point, just round it to a whole number. In this instance, the correct answer is 64. Then, double your goal weight in kilograms by 1.6. This will provide you your protein consumption for the day. In this case, the answer is 102 grams of protein eaten per day.

Finally, divide your total daily protein intake by three to get how much protein you need to eat three times each day. In this case, each meal should include 34 grams of protein. Keep in mind that 30 grams of protein is the bare minimum that should be eaten at each meal.

Let’s talk about excellent protein sources to add to our meals now that we know how essential protein is and how much we need to eat. The Ageloc TR90 Trimshake and Greenshake provide a fast and simple supply of high-quality lean protein. Fish, eggs, beans, and nuts are other excellent sources. More suggestions may be found on pages 29 and 30 of the program guide. The second step in the 3-2-1 formula is 2. Ageloc TR90 Control should be taken twice a day. In addition, the Ageloc TR90 program suggests two small nutritious snacks in between bigger meals. Consuming high-quality snacks may assist to decrease hunger, which can contribute to overeating. Quality snacks may also help you maintain a higher level of energy and stay in the fat-burning zone. By having a protein-rich snack between breakfast and lunch, and then again between lunch and supper, you may stay in the fat-burning zone for up to 15 hours each day! The trick is to properly distribute your protein consumption throughout the day.

The last step of 3-2-1 is 1. You should take your Jumpstart once a day for the first 15 days. You should eat a full nutritious meal at least once a day. A lean protein, an abundance of vegetables, a modest quantity of fruit, and a little piece of grains, cereals, or pastas should make up your meal. Refer to page 33 of the program handbook for assistance in determining proper portion sizes.

Portion size for grains, cereals, and pastas is the quantity that fits in the palm of your hand. The quantity of fruits and vegetables that can be placed on your hand when it is opened wide is the portion size. A basic guideline for protein is the size and thickness of your palm (excluding your fingers), although it may be simpler to stick to the protein gram need you determined previously. High-fat meals, fried foods, processed foods, sugary sweets, and sauces should all be avoided.

Many individuals choose to substitute one of the Ageloc TR90 Shakes for two meals each day. This is a fantastic choice; just make sure you consume at least one full meal each day. You will also need to supplement your TR90 Shake to ensure that you are meeting your protein requirements. For example, if you need 30 grams of protein for breakfast, you may take Trimshake Vanilla and add 1 cup of Greek yoghurt or one scoop of protein boost. To enhance taste, you may also add other healthy foods like strawberries.

Your body needs a range of nutrients to sustain good health, particularly while trying to maintain weight and shape your body. We’ve given many examples to assist you become accustomed to the kinds of balanced meals you should consume. Recipes for shakes, breakfast, lunch, and supper may be found on pages 35-62 of the program guide.

Ageloc TR90 gives you the ability to continue on your journey to a leaner, healthier, and happier life. Follow the easy eating plan and you’ll have completely redesigned your life in 90 days!

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