S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

72 ratings
Console Graphics Settings [ENG]
By Leenominai
Console' commands for optimisation and good graphics ^_^
text* - Setting
text* - Important adjustment
text* - Important keywords
text* - Unreliable information

rs_stats [on, off]
When enabled, the display will show any technical statistics, including The number of frames per second - FPS.

Just for gaming of critical errors and protection missions, I recommend OGSM[ogsmod.ru] mod.

If something is unclear, please write in the comments.
Tuning and Optimization
Configuration settings in STALKER: Clear Sky is stored in a file User.ltx, which is located at:
  • \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Shared Documents \ STALKER-STCS in Windows XP
  • \ Users \ Public \ Documents \ STALKER-STCS in Windows Vista
  • Steam \ SteamApps \ common \ STALKER Clear Sky in Steam (win 7/8 and maybe XP/Vista)
Please open the file with Notepad. Before you make changes, make a backup copy. Consider some of the settings from this file. In brackets the possible values ​​of the parameters recorded.

Most of the options are similar to those of STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. All of these options can be entered in the console to see evidence of action. Affecting the graphics options come with attachments r1_, r2_ or r3_. At the start r1_ options for DX8-play modes (Static lighting), r2_ - DX9 (dynamic lighting) and r3_ - DX10 (Enhanced full dynamic lighting). That is, if you play with dynamic lighting, and change the options r1_ *, then it will have no effect in the game. Options r2_ * influence at play in DirectX 10 mode.

After editing the file User.ltx not want to change the settings in the game, it can knock down all the changes in the configuration file.
Options r1_ * (DirectX 8 mode)
r1_dlights [on, off]
On. / Off. the light from your flashlight. I do not recommend it off, and then the night would be too scary :)

r1_dlights_clip [10.000 - 150.000]
Perhaps this affects the range of lighting your flashlight.

r1_glows_per_frame [2 - 32]
Setting the number of light sources. Does not affect the quality of the graphics and FPS.

r1_lmodel_lerp [0.000 - 0.333]
Adjusts the amount of light linear interpolation model. In short, at higher values ​​increase the graphics quality of some models, such as your arms.

r1_ssa_lod_a [16.000 - 96.000]
Adjusts the main level of detail (LOD), the higher the value, the more detail and visibility of objects in the distance, but due to easy drop FPS.

r1_ssa_lod_b [16.000 - 64.000]
Installation is similar to the previous one, but manages detail of some objects on the map. Again, the higher the value, the less FPS.

r1_tf_mipbias [-0.500 - 0.500]
Controls the clarity of textures in the distance. Smaller values ​​of the texture will be more clear, but it will have to pay a slight drop in FPS. Increase the Make blurry textures, but can barely lift the FPS.
Options r2_ * (DirectX 9 mode)
r2_aa [on, off]
This option includes the so-called psevdosglazhivanie. This is not a real antialiasing, but just a little picture on the screen blurs. If you have an LCD monitor, you can get a similar effect by putting a screen resolution of slightly less than native :) When activated, it falls a little FPS. If you enable this option in DX10-mode, it can lead to artifacts.

r2_aa_kernel [0.300 - 0.700]
Adjusts the amount of pseudo-smoothing. The higher the value, the greater the blur. The value of 0.300 gives a reasonable amount of blur.

r2_aa_break [0.000000 - 1.000000,0.000000 - 1.000000,0.000000 -1.000000]
This option controls the distance at which the effect of pseudo-smoothing. You are free to choose a convenient value to you, but the increase does not necessarily mean quality increase. For example, the value of r2_aa_break 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000 give clear indoors and washed-open spaces.

r2_aa_weight [0.000000 - 1.000000,0.000000 - 1.000000,0.000000 - 1.000000]
This option is needed to more precisely control the pseudo-smoothing effect. The higher the value, the more blurred.

r2_allow_r1_lights [on, off]
When the option is in part will be used DX8 lighting. Like, the performance should go up, it might actually be the opposite ...

r2_dof [0.000000 - 1.000000,0.000000 - 1.000000,0.000000 - 1.000000]
This feature adjusts the amount of post-filter Depth of Field. But still, it is better to change the values ​​of the considered options below r2_dof_ *.

r2_dof_far [0.000 - 10000.000]
This setting controls the distance at which included DoF. This does not include a temporary increase in DoF (when reloading weapons), and permanent. Lowering the value of an option with 600 by default will increase the blurring of the image.

r2_dof_focus [-10000.000 - 10000.000]
The lower the value of this quantity (by default 1.4), the lower part of your field of view will be "in focus". This will be especially true if you change the r2_dof_far and r2_dof_near.

r2_dof_kernel [0.000 - 10.000]
This option adjusts the overall level of DoF. At 0, DoF will not be noticeable at all, but a higher number increases its level.

r2_dof_near [-10000.000 - 10000.000]
Blur level close to the player objects (for example, your gun). The default value of -1.25.

r2_dof_sky [-10000.000 - 10000.000]
Level DoF with respect to the sky. Default is 30, and the higher it is, the more diffuse sky.

r2_gi [on, off]
On / off more realistic lighting method «Global Illumination», in which light can be reflected from the surfaces and cover the other surface. Enabling this option gets in performance. The option does not work in two modes: "Improved full dynamic lighting"

r2_gi_clip [0.000 - 0.100]
Setting distance activities Global Illumination.

r2_gi_depth [1 - 5]
Deepening shadows.

r2_gi_photons [8 - 256]
This option adjusts the Global Illumination. The values ​​must be multiples of 8.

r2_gi_refl [0.001 - 0.990]
Adjusts the effect of reflecting surfaces.

r2_gloss_factor [0.000 - 10.000]
The higher the setting, the greater the surface of the glossy shine.

r2_ls_bloom_fast [on, off]
This option includes a strengthened form Bloom'a, but does not replace HDR Bloom'om. When you turn on the picture will be too bright and lubricated at the FPS almost no effect. You do not need to enable this option to use the other options r2_ls_bloom_ *.

r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b [0.010 - 1.000]
Controls the blur Bloom'a, the more the value, the stronger the illumination of the light sources.

r2_ls_bloom_threshold [0.000 - 1.000]
Adjust the brightness of Bloom'a, the higher the value, the less brightness Bloom'a, used together with the HDR. As a result, a value of 1, the picture is the one in DX8. You can try to value 0.350 to bloom was more beautiful.

r2_ls_depth_bias [-0.500 - 0.500]
Regulator range type light sources. Low values ​​increase the depth of the source and the border, increasing parameter can almost completely remove the sources of light. Optimal default.

r2_ls_depth_scale [0.500 - 1.500]
Similar to the previous setting.

r2_ls_squality [0.500 - 1.000]
Adjust the quality of the shadows.

r2_mblur [0.000 - 1.000]
Adjusts the motion blur. Looks great with a value of 0.1, and it does not affect the FPS. To activate it, not enough to change the setting in the configuration file, you must run the game with the-mblur. Open the properties of the shortcut the game, and the way to launching executables-mblur Append a space. Get something like this: «D/Supergames/STALKER/XR_3DA.exe»-mblur. The option does not work in two modes: "Improved full dynamic lighting."

r2_steep_parallax [on, off]
Inc. / Off. Parallax Mapping

r2_parallax_h [0.000 - 0.500]
This option must manage Parallax Mapping'om, but no visual changes were observed.

r2_slight_fade [0.020 - 2.000]
Setting distance lighting.

r2_ssa_lod_a [16.000 - 96.000]
Adjusts the level of detail (LOD) for the game world, the higher the value, the more detail and visibility of objects in the distance, but due to easy drop FPS.

r2_ssa_lod_b [32.000 - 64.000]
This option is similar to the previous one, but manages detailed objects.

r2_sun [on, off]
On / off sun as the light source. If off, the trees and the house will not cast shadows. If this option is enabled, you can play around with the parameters r2_sun_depth_ *

r2_sun_depth_far_bias [-0.500 - 0.500]
       r2_sun_depth_far_scale [0.500 - 1.500]
       r2_sun_depth_near_bias [-0.500 - 0.500]
       r2_sun_depth_near_scale [0.500 - 1.500]
These parameters control r2_sun, if enabled. This control is the level of detail of shadows and sunlight border and shadow areas. Optimal default values.

r2_sun_near [1.000 - 50.000]
Monitors the quality of sunlight on the surface close to the player.

r2_sun_far [51.000 - 180.000]
Monitors the quality of sunlight on the surface far from the player.

r2_sun_details [on, off]
Shadows of grass

r2_sun_lumscale [-1.000 - 3.000]
Specifies the brightness of the sun, with values ​​below zero turns off the sun :).

r2_sun_lumscale_amb [0.000 - 3.000]
Adjust the brightness of objects that are illuminated sun.

r2_sun_lumscale_hemi [0.000 - 3.000]
Adjusts the overall brightness of all the items.

r2_tf_mipbias [-0.500 - 0.500]
Determines how much sharper the textures in the distance. Smaller values ​​of the texture will be more clear, but during that lowers FPS. Increase the Make blurry textures, but can barely lift the FPS. Does not work in DX10-mode.

r2_tonemap [on, off]
On / Off Tone Mapping. Inclusion make HDR better quality without performance degradation. R2_tonemap_ * The following options allow to configure it.

r2_tonemap_adaptation [0.010 - 10.000]
This option specifies the time of adaptation to changes in lighting.

r2_tonemap_lowlum [0.000 - 1.000]
This setting adjusts the Tone mapping'a in dark areas. The higher the setting, the darker the HDR.

r2_tonemap_middlegray [0.000 - 2.000]
This setting has the greatest impact on the HDR, and if you raise it, the HDR effect will be more abundant. For example, try a value of 1.2 to HDR in STALKER looked like a Oblivion'e.

r2_exp_donttest_shad [on, off]
Is an experimental option, the inclusion of untested shaders. Will likely result in poor performance or artifacts.

r2_soft_particles [on, off]
Inc. / Off. soft particles.

r2_soft_water [on, off]
Inc. / Off. soft water.

r2_ssao st_opt_high [off, high]
Setting ssao.

r2_ssao_blur [on, off]
Setting blur.

r2_sun_quality st_opt_high [low, high]
The quality of the sun.

r2_sun_shafts st_opt_high [off, high]
The sun's rays are strongly influenced by the FPS. Therefore, they can be turned off, the FPS good rise, and the quality will drop slightly.
Options r3_ * (DirectX 10 mode)
r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far [30.000 - 100.000]
This setting controls the distance at which a visible wet surface. The default value is 30, the higher it is, the more visible the wet surface.

r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_near [10.000 - 70.000]
This feature controls the distance at which the visible surface of the wet next to the player. The default value is 10, the higher it is, the less detailed the player closest to the wet surface.

r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_sm_res [64 - 2048]
Setting the resolution maps of wet surfaces. The default value is 256, if it is to increase the quality of these surfaces will increase, but the FPS decrease.

r3_gbuffer_opt [on, off]
Inc. / Off. special optimization rendering under DX10. The inclusion maybe raise FPS, but cause some artifacts maybe not cause :)

r3_msaa [st_opt_off, 2x, 4x, 8x]
This control smoothing in DX10-mode. To save your changes, you must restart the game.
Parameters for all modes of the graphics settings
r__supersample [1 - 8]
Setting anti-aliasing. To work in DX10, along with this option to include r3_msa.

r__tf_aniso [1 - 16]
Setting anisotropic filtering.

r__dtex_range [5.000 - 175.000]
Setting distance that displays highly detailed texture. The higher the value, the farther you can see them.

r__wallmark_ttl [1.000 - 300.000]
The lifetime of such effects as the marks of bullets, blood, etc. Higher value - the longer they will stay.

r__geometry_lod [0.1 - 1.2]
The level of detail of objects. Larger values ​​correspond to better detail.

r__detail_density [0.2 - 0.6]
The level of detail of grass. Larger values ​​correspond to better detail.

snd_acceleration [on, off]
Turn on / off sound hardware acceleration.

snd_cache_size [4 - 32]
Adjusts how much RAM is used for caching sounds, to prevent sticking. It uses twice as much memory, that is, if you put 16, 32 MB will be used. It is recommended that the maximum value of (32) to prevent the hang of sound during the game.

snd_targets [4 - 32]
This option specifies the number of simultaneous sound sources, increasing negative impact on performance when the weak (read-integrated) sound card. On weak zvukovuha better to limit the value of 24.

vid_mode [WxH]
Adjust screen resolution, you can set the resolution, which is not in the game menu.

ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights [on, off]
On \ off the shadows of objects illuminated lanterns.

g_always_run [on, off]
By default, when you reap Next, the player is running, if this option turned off, it will go a step.

texture_lod [0 - 6]
The level of detail of distant textures. The lower the value, the better the texture.

rs_v_sync [on, off]
Vertical Sync. Recommend disabling it.

rs_vis_distance [0.4 - 1.5]
Setting visibility.
Command-line options (Windows)
There are additional commands that are executed from the command line to run the game.
For example, as: «C: \ Program Files \ STALKER \ bin \ XR_3DA.exe» -noprefetch- noshadows.

-Center_screen - Centers the window game in windowed mode.

-Dsound - Uses DirectSound sound instead of OpenAL.

-Gpu_nopure - Toggle full hardware acceleration of graphics cards is incomplete. On the new maps it will not add to the performance.

-Gpu_ref - Switches the video card on the default mode

-Gpu_sw - Completely disables hardware acceleration for the video card. Not recommended.

-Load [save of yours] - Load a specific Seiwa immediately after starting the game.

-Ltx [filename.ltx] - Downloads and executes the specified file «filename.ltx» configuration. For example, you can create your config file instead User.ltx, and run it with this command.

-Nodistort - Removes distortion effects: the air from the fire anomaly. This can help owners of older video cards.

-Nolog - Disable log

-Noprefetch - Disable prefetch. The game will load faster, but the game can be a sharp drop FPS.

-Noshadows - Disables the shadow of dynamic light sources (the sun does not count), increased FPS.

-Nosound - Disables all sound in the game

-Overlay [folder path] - specify the path to another folder seivami / configs / profiles.

-Psp - Enables a third-person.

-Smap1536,-smap2048,-smap2560,-smap3072,-smap4096 - These commands set the resolution of the shadow map. The higher it is, the more beautiful the shadows and lower FPS. You can use only one of these commands!

-Ss_tga - Screenshots will be made in the format. *TGA with higher quality.
Originally posted by Author:
Source [RU] [centaz.narod.ru]
HeliFliBoi#1 Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:38pm 
GI works on Dx10 you just need to alter the depth, clip and photons. the biggest cause of GI not working is refl parameter.
Leenominai  [author] Mar 14, 2016 @ 6:23am 
I will think about it :happy_creep:
Echo Virus Mar 13, 2016 @ 6:22pm 
can you make a guides on console commands?
Leenominai  [author] Dec 26, 2015 @ 1:14pm 
for 1st: run for admin, check the game patch version, update the video driver, check the "vid_mode" in "user.ltx" in y documents folder or steamapps/common/_appdata_ and setup y screen resolution, and save
Kommando_Kermit Dec 26, 2015 @ 1:07pm 
I"m having the same problem any help would be great
hecTHOR! Aug 16, 2015 @ 1:08pm 
the game opens , but gets black screen and the process does not respond
Leenominai  [author] Aug 11, 2015 @ 8:31am 
The game crashes or does not run?
hecTHOR! Aug 10, 2015 @ 9:26pm 
Hey Guys, the game don't runs propely on Windows 10. What should I do?
76561198023269831 Mar 25, 2015 @ 4:18pm 
can someone post a copy of this modded file with the best solution?
Leenominai  [author] May 7, 2014 @ 3:02am 
Added "Any guides" :diwrench: