Help, I added a menu and leaked my code

I have a problem with my website. I added a menu and now when someone types in the address without a menu page it shows my code and allows it to be downloaded easily. I would be very thankful if someone helped me.

did your package.json go missing? maybe you can get a copy from the rewind system

what do you mean? I’m new to coding and don’t have an idea what you are talking about

Nice code hehe

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Hi and welcome to the community, @MORS_II! That’s because you don’t have a package.json and you also don’t have an index.html.
Also, please note that your code is public by default: anyone can see it on glitch unless you buy glitch pro and make it private.


Just make sure:

  1. You put anything you want to keep secret (e.g. API keys) in your .env file
  2. you consider answering the 828 emails in your gmail inbox.

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