
Swamp Pop Music Festival

If you’re aching to stomp your feet to some truly awesome tunes, head to Gonzales’s Lamar-Dixon Expo Center this weekend for the 2012 Swamp Pop Music Festival, Friday and Saturday. Johnny Firmin & The Southern Classic Band kick off the fun Friday at 6 p.m., followed by acts like David St. Romain, Reunion featuring Ronnie Melancon and Treater with Charles Mann. Return Saturday for even more nonstop swamp pop from Cliff Nickens, Kenny Fife and Warren Storm & Willie Tee, among others. Chow down on Cajun food courtesy of the Jambalaya Association Cook-Off, and check out the cool car show. All proceeds from the festival benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, which works to find a cure for cystic fibrosis and better the quality of life for those with the disease. Admission is $10 on Friday and $15 on Saturday. Visit swamppopmusicfest.com for more information.