A plan for a new 15 storey apartment block beside Custom House Square in Belfast City Centre has been recommended for approval to councillors.

Belfast City Council planning officials have recommended the green light in a report detailing an application to erect the 60 apartment building, at 35 to 41 Queen's Square, between McHugh’s pub and the ‘Boat’ residential/commercial development. Councillors will decide upon the application, by Duncairn Ltd of Douglas, Isle of Man, at next week’s meeting of the Planning Committee.

The proposed development is an amendment to a previously approved 16 storey building for 60 apartments, which was approved in 2013. Works on that approval commenced in 2018 but have not progressed, and the site is currently enclosed with hoarding.

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Laganside Bus Station is located to the immediate south of the site. The majority of the previous three storey building on the site has been demolished, but a small portion of the wall fronting Queen’s Square and immediately adjacent to McHugh’s has been retained to safeguard the neighbouring property.

The building will be significantly taller than the majority of the surrounding context including the adjacent three storey listed McHugh’s Building, eight storey Queen’s Square apartments, four storey 4 Queens Square (Former First Trust Bank) and Custom House.

The height, scale and massing is strongly influenced by the height and scale of the adjoining taller Boat building, which is 11 storey high immediately adjacent to the site, and rises to 15 storeys along Queen’s Square/Donegall Quay.

The council officer report states: “It is considered that the proposed development is sufficiently removed from the surrounding hills so as not to mar or dominate them. Views into the development will be short to medium range and will be screened to a degree from certain viewpoints for example to the east/south-east by the adjoining Boat development. It is considered that the proposal will not adversely impact on attractive views of Belfast.”

It adds that while the “proposed scale, height and massing are considered incongruous with the surrounding context and character of the area", notwithstanding this “the applicant has a lawful fall-back position which can be implemented”.

The reports states: “The Urban Design Officer considers that the final design solution is more cognisant of surrounding context when compared to that previously approved. Overall the current proposal is considered a betterment over the lawful-fallback in terms of design as it better relates to the surrounding context and draws clear contextual references to surrounding buildings including the listed McHugh’s.

“The extant permission is considered to have significant weight in the determination of this application as such the proposed height, scale and massing are on balance considered acceptable.”

43 of the apartments will have access to a private terrace ranging from 2.4sqm to 31sqm. A communal roof terrace will also be provided at the 14th floor; a further communal terrace is proposed on the first floor in conjunction with the residents’ lounge.

The apartments will vary in size with 40 one bedroom studios varying from 30 to 36sqm, 18 one bedroom apartments varying from 36 to 55sqm, and two two bed apartments. The average amenity space per apartment is 6.2sqm.

Cycle parking for 73 bicycles is proposed at ground floor level, and no facility for car parking. The applicant has offered a travel card and membership of a cycle club for a period of three years for each residential unit.

CGI of the Belfast Custom House Square apartment block
CGI of the Belfast Custom House Square apartment block

The report states: “Given the sustainable city centre location, which is well served by public transport and easily accessible for pedestrians and cyclists, the zero parking level is considered acceptable.” The council received no third party objections, from statutory bodies, the public or businesses.


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Pics from council report, permitted use for all.

Captions by Michael Kenwood

1 Proposed view of the new 15 storey apartment block from the Albert Clock

2 Proposed view of the new 15 storey apartment block from Custom House Square