“You’ve got to jump off cliffs all the time, and build your wings on the way down.”


vision statement

The path to healing isn’t only well wishes and prayers, but sometimes sweat and spit and an embracing of our suffering rather than a running from it. I’ve learned that the things that break us hold the potential to remake us into someone original or a before-born self that was designed for a destiny of great purpose, promise, magic. Getting back to that shimmering self before we started building our false selves, is the birthplace of all creativity and prosperity in its various forms. Revealing our false selves is what’s needed for wellness and my role is to help open the eyes that contain a second sight to see the false narratives we’ve created that are preventing us from unlocking and fulfilling our destiny.




These books are about re-becoming a bad- acne adult wearing an Allman Brothers t-shirt from’73, black knee-high socks, penny loafers, and too-short shorts with an insane smile because, through the weeds and wounds and all manners of lostness, I’m returning to shimmering and not ashamed…me.