Unused Spacees At The Sagamore Outlet Mall

The Carter’s babies’ and children’s clothing store in the Factory Outlet Way mall in Sagamore stands next to several boarded-up storefronts at the complex. Much of the retail space has remained unused in the four years since the building went up.

Past the Market Basket grocery store in Sagamore on Factory Outlet Way, drivers are greeted first by a Verizon Wireless store, followed by a Bass Shoe outlet that features a window sign, boasting “everything up to 80% off....blowout savings!” Turn the corner and similar signs fill the window of the Van Heusen shirt outlet, promising customers “50% 60% 70% off, nothing held back!” Next door, a “space available” banner sits in the window, where IZOD used to be before the decision was made last September to close the popular brand name’s retail division. Lastly, there is a Carter’s babies’ and children’s clothing store.

From there on, however, and around the back of the building, there are only empty storefronts, boarded up with gray-painted particle board. Many have sat empty since the building went up four years ago.

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