So...What is CBY All About?

Congregation Beth Yeshua ties you to your spiritual roots. Together with our family of Beth Yeshua congregations and the Body of Messiah, we share the common identity as the People of God. If you are Jewish, our liturgy and worship will stir your soul. If you are Christian, our congregation gives you a chance to explore the Jewish foundation of our faith. You will see that we are Jew and Gentile, black and white, Asian and Hispanic, young and old - a cross-section of what The Book of Revelation calls every nation, tribe, people and language (Revelation 7:9). You will see real unity and in that unity you will be blessed for there is true life in it (Psalm 133).

There are two things I know you will experience here. One, the Spirit of love; and two, the truth of God's word (John 4:23). You will see us raise our hands (Psalm 63:4, 134:2); you will see us clap our hands (Psalm 47:1). Most importantly, you will see unbounded happiness because in His presence is the fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). There is much we would like to share with you, so come as you are, knowing this - that our prayer is you will never leave the same.

Blessings in Messiah,
The CBY Family

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How Should Gentile Christians Respond To The Jewish People?
The One New Man

"Paul’s principle of 'to the Jew first' should raise the following questions for Gentile Christians: Do I have a sincere love for the Jewish people? Do I value the Jewish roots of my faith? [Or] has [the false and repugnant doctrine of] replacement theology shaped my understanding of the gospel? When was the last time that I shared with a Jewish friend about Yeshua (Jesus) the son of David? Is Jewish ministry a priority of my church? Do I encourage Yeshua-believing Jews to retain their Jewish identity as a matter of calling, or to assimilate for the sake of being “one in Christ”? Do I have relationships with Jewish followers of Yeshua? If so, are these relationships characterized by interdependence, mutual blessing, and mutual humbling? Do I give to Jewish charities and advocacy organizations? Do I fight antisemitism in the Church and the public square, or look the other way? Do I regularly pray for Israel and the well-being of the Jewish people worldwide? All of these are spheres of life that will be impacted when we experience Spirit-led vision to bring the gospel to the Jew first as Paul taught."             

- Dr. David Rudolph

Beth Yeshua International - Worldwide Outreach

Small Family, Big God, Enormous Impact!!!

Scripture Of The Month
Acts 1 (CJB)

At one of these gatherings, he instructed them not to leave Yerushalayim but to wait for “what the Father promised, which you heard about from me. For Yochanan used to immerse people in water; but in a few days, you will be immersed in the Ruach HaKodesh!”

When they were together, they asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore self-rule to Isra’el?” He answered, “You don’t need to know the dates or the times; the Father has kept these under his own authority. But you will receive power when the Ruach HaKodesh comes upon you; you will be my witnesses both in Yerushalayim and in all Y’hudah and Shomron, indeed to the ends of the earth!”

After saying this, he was taken up before their eyes; and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10 As they were staring into the sky after him, suddenly they saw two men dressed in white standing next to them. 11 The men said, “You Galileans! Why are you standing, staring into space? This Yeshua, who has been taken away from you into heaven, will come back to you in just the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”

Amen! Come Lord Yeshua!