School analytics

ClickView provides data-driven insights into how video is being used throughout your school.

ClickView analytics for districts
Simple, actionable analytics

Get to know your school better

ClickView provides administrators with a powerful analytics solution to help you measure and improve how video is used in your school.

Top 5 subject areas
Views by grade
View past 3 academic years
Top 10 staff users
Top 10 video titles
Top 3 english topics
Monitor usage across your school

Put your data to work

ClickView analytics empower school leaders to monitor how video is being used by staff and students across the school. Measure adoption, monitor engagement and identify positive trends.

ClickView analytics data
School insightsSchool insights

Monitor teacher engagement

Understand which teachers are effectively using video and identify who requires additional support to incorporate video into their lessons.

Student engagement heatmapsStudent engagement stats

Analyze student engagement

Explore the most popular titles, subjects and topics across grades and classes. Dive into the analytics from interactive quizzes for a snapshot of student performance.

Support teachers

Support teachers where they actually need it

Use data to identify which teachers need additional support. ClickView will work with you to provide tailored PD so your teachers feel confident incorporating video into their teaching.

Professional development

Turn data-insights into meaningful change

Unlimited professional development

ClickView provides unlimited free training tailored to your school or district so your teachers feel confident incorporating video into their lessons.

Data-driven support

We work with you to identify positive trends and opportunities in your school's usage data. These insights inform the training plan we implement to help you achieve your school's goals.

Personalised care from ClickView

Try ClickView FREE today