4 Great Tips for Managing Work/Life Balance

The staffing industry along with many other careers is very fast-paced and can easily become overwhelming. Balancing work responsibilities, personal relationships, family life, and making time for your hobbies and interests can be a huge challenge. Knowing how to maintain a healthy work/life balance is essential, and we are here to help you find effective strategies and solutions for doing so!
Let’s start by exploring what work/life balance means and why it’s important. According to the American Psychological Association, “Work/life balance is the level of involvement between the multiple roles in a person’s life, particularly as they pertain to employment and family or leisure activities”. Not only is it important for your mental and physical health, but it will also help improve your job performance as well. Achieving a healthy balance can also help to reduce stress. (For more tips on managing stress, be sure to check out our 5 Helpful Tips to Manage Stress blog post!)
Now that we know what work/life balance is and why we need it, you may ask, “So how do we achieve it?”. Let’s get into four great tips for maintaining a healthy balance!

Time Management 

Effective time management is an essential skill to hone. Managing your time at work increases your productivity and helps allow you to meet your deadlines. Without time management, work can often become stressful and overwhelming. One of the best ways to avoid a stressful workday is to create a plan. To-do lists are extremely helpful while organizing the work you want to accomplish each day. While creating a to-do list, be sure to also prioritize the tasks that are the most important. Not only is it satisfying to see each task crossed off your list, but it helps you feel more accomplished and motivated to get your work done.

Setting Boundaries 

Another helpful tip for achieving a healthy work/life balance is to set boundaries for your time and availability. Whether this means not answering emails or phone calls after your work hours or saying “no” to a project you do not have time for, it’s up to you to decide what you can and can’t handle. Setting boundaries for yourself will help prevent burnout and will allow you more time to relax and focus on non-work related activities outside of the workday. 

Vacation Days 

Taking advantage of your PTO days may seem obvious, but did you know that around 55% of PTO days went unused in 2022, according to this article from Thrillist? Vacation days are one of the top benefits in the workplace and they’re designed to give you a break from your normal routine. Taking time away from work reduces stress and can make you feel more refreshed when you come back. A healthy work/life balance relies on time made for yourself. Whether it’s a vacation or a staycation, take advantage of it and use it all up! 

Find A Job You Love

When choosing a career, you want to make sure it’s something you enjoy. Finding a job that’s interesting to you and aligns with your values will help you achieve a better work/life balance in the long run. Loving what you do will make you happier, more productive, and more motivated to succeed. On top of that, working for a company that prioritizes mental health is a huge plus. Everyone has different things going on in their lives, and it’s important for your company to understand when you need a break. 
Now that you know some of our best tips for achieving a good work/life balance, we hope you are able to make use of these and that they’ll help make both your life and career feel fulfilled.
If you are still in search of a job that can help satisfy your wants and needs, Extension can help! We have many positions and Recruiters who have your back and will help you find the right fit for you. Reach out to us today at hr@extensionrecruiting.com or by giving us a call at 414-727-1715. We look forward to hearing from you! 
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