New Indoor Massage Space: Creating a Safer Environment


In the time of Covid, everything is about managed risk. Learn about the client safety precautions I’ve taken in designing our new indoor massage space!

The New Massage Studio Is Private and Separate.  The new massage studio has a private entrance, and private bathroom, for client use only. Potential connections to the rest of the house have been sealed, and HVAC airflow is separate from the rest of the building.

Healthy Airflow For Infection Control.  I’ve made choices to produce gentle and extensive airflow in the new massage studio. I wanted it to be as close as possible to being outdoors, while being sheltered from the elements. We’ll leave a combination of door and windows open, to catch the fresh Pacific Northwest breeze. There are two air purifier units. And there’s an outward blowing fan in the bathroom.

Why all the emphasis on airflow? Besides being pleasant, infection control. New hospital requirements for air exchangers are 12 air changes per hour (ACH). For comparison, a typical room in a home with no open windows is .35 ACH.

The massage studio should have a roughly estimated 12 air changes per hour (ACH)*

The bathroom should have a roughly estimated 11 ACH.*

* A huge caveat here: I am not an airflow professional! I based my estimates on an excellent article published in Associated BodyWork and Massage Professionals’ monthly magazine, “How To Improve Treatment Room Air Quality: From Covid Protections to CO2 Concerns” by Julie Tudor. It’s a complex area of study. For example, air doesn’t flow equally to all areas of a room. And ACH varies greatly based on things like wind speed. But there are generalizations you can make based on number of open windows, and in the case of air purifiers, more specific calculations using the size of the room and fan speed. And that’s what I’ve done.

Me: “Managed Risk” Living, and Newly Vaccinated. For a few months now, I’ve followed the Microcovid Project standard to manage the risk I pose to others, and vice versa. (Learn more at I plan to continue following this to protect the unvaccinated people in my life. I have been fully vaccinated - massage therapists were designated in the final phase of healthcare workers. As of reopening, I’ve had my 2nd dose plus 2 weeks have passed. A March 2021 real world study of vaccinations in Israel found that the vaccine I got (Pfizer) was 94% effective at preventing asymptomatic infections - meaning that I should be far less likely than the general population to be able to pass Covid to someone else. 

Touchless Access to Things Like Soap and Paper Towels. I upgraded to all motion sensor-triggered paper towel and soap dispensers, and step pedal trash cans. I hope to also upgrade to a touchless faucet in the bathroom at some point, but I’m not quite there yet. So, if you’d prefer, there’s a touchless hand sanitizer dispenser.

Surfaces Disinfected Between Clients. Client facing surfaces are disinfected between every session. All soft items (pillows, and the massage table) have new, tougher covers that can withstand EPA cleaners between clients. Sheets are disinfected in a high temperature commercial laundry, and stored outside the massage area. Likewise, used linens are stored in airtight containers, in a separate room, away from the massage studio and from clean items. In case of any accidental touches, your practitioner changes shirts between every client.

Everyone In The Massage Studio Will Be Wearing Masks and Be Symptom Free. Anyone entering the massage space will wear a mask the entire time they are present, regardless of vaccination status. Your practitioner will be masked, and so will all clients. All clients are asked just before their session to report any symptoms they are experiencing. Alternatively, your massage therapist will not work if experiencing any symptoms.

For your comfort, I’m happy to substitute side lying position for face down, to allow clients better breathability while wearing face masks.

Do You Have Mobility issues? Please note that there’s a flight of stairs to reach the massage studio. It was the one negative tradeoff of the new massage space. Please check out the massage team at nearby Core Wellness instead - they have elevator access.