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Top 10 Tips For Female Leaders From Coach Christina Smallwood


Christina Smallwood is a professional hairstylist turned serial entrepreneur, social media influencer and business coach. As a coach, Smallwood has helped numerous women generate six-figure income businesses by unlocking their confidence through her podcast episodes, free in-depth YouTube trainings, and a 90-day habits journal —among other tools and resources.

Since she began creating online content in 2017, Smallwood has grown her reach to over 138K followers. Yet her true impact is difficult to measure in numbers. Every month, she receives thousands of emails, direct messages and comments from women expressing their gratitude to her for empowering them to succeed.

“My emphasis is on using your authentic voice to build your brand,” said Smallwood in an exclusive interview with me. “I have my hands in quite a few different businesses, and they are all centered around empowering women with tangible tools for transforming their lives. I want every female entrepreneur to feel supported.”

Here are Smallwood’s top 10 success principles for women leaders:

1. Be a Giver

Give with no expectations. I truly mean this. Give to the point where you can’t remember who you’ve given what to, because you aren’t keeping track of points. Give from your heart.

2. Pay Attention

It’s super important to make eye contact, sit with people and really listen to them. Truthfully, one of the greatest ways we can give is the act of listening. Give your attention to the person you’re talking to. When I’m meeting new people, my goal is not to make sure they walk away knowing everything about me, but instead for me to walk away knowing as much as I can about them!

3. Hone Your Communication Skills

The art of communication is lost, which is wild at a time when we can communicate with one another across the globe in seconds! Stop giving one-word answers. Learn to end every conversation with a question. Be polite and not robotic.

4. Go the Extra Mile

Make life simpler for other people. When someone asks you for your phone number, don’t just screenshot it; forward it to them as a contact so that they can easily add it to their contacts in their phone. If they ask you where you bought something, don’t just answer; send them a link. These are simple ways to add value to others so that you’re top-of-mind in their awareness.

5. Venture Out Alone

A lot of us get stuck in one social circle. Make it your mission to meet and connect with new people. When was the last time you went to an event solo where you knew no one? When you go alone, it forces you to talk with strangers. Look on local community pages, Eventbrite, Facebook and other sites, and when an event comes up, go by yourself!

When I made the conscious decision to join new groups and participate in new activities every single month, it was difficult at first. But it quickly became a normal part of my routine.

6. Explore LinkedIn

One of my best friends is an absolute boss when it comes to networking on LinkedIn. The quality of client she attracts is insane. It is part of her system. My advice is to pick one day a week that you allot time to focusing on networking and really commit to it. It may feel unproductive at times, but every interaction offers a valuable lesson.

7. Assume Responsibility

Nowadays you can see people behaving rudely everywhere – online and at your local mall! What if you assumed responsibility for yourself and decided that it’s up to you to bring sunshine into the room? We all know people who light up a place with their presence, right? Be that person.

8. Get Uncomfortable Often

Every time I open my Instagram page, I see someone else getting into a cold plunge. There’s a reason for that! Getting uncomfortable grows you. And sharing your growth journey will help you attract new clients. People tend to gravitate towards those of us who are pushing our boundaries.

If you’re in a rut in your business, take a new dance class, join toast masters, or do something else that makes you think, “Heck no, I’m never going to do that.” Watch how as you stretch yourself, you advance professionally. Self-growth & business growth are way more connected than you might think.

9. Be Real

I built my first huge network because after I was diagnosed with infertility, I became the adoptive mom of a special needs child – and I opened up about it. I ended up having thousands of conversations with other women who were going through the same thing, all because I was willing to be vulnerable about my life experience.

10. Mix Business and Personal

I bet you’ve heard the expression, “Never mix business and pleasure.” Well, I believe the exact opposite: We should mix business with our personal lives. Why? Because everyone on the planet was born with a desire to feel connection. It’s the way we are wired. In order to connect on a professional level, you have to connect on real life things.

When Smallwood began her first career as a hairstylist, she experienced a lot of growing pains in building relationships and learning to create a successful brand. Yet she was driven by her passions for human connection and serving others. So, she worked on herself through therapy and personal development, until she had built multiple seven-figure organizations.

“I’m a firm believer that every single painful experience we go through shapes us into who we are meant to be,” Smallwood says. “When I got the call that my dad had been in a tragic motorcycle accident, that pain grew me. When I got the news of my infertility, that strengthened me. When my daughter was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, that equipped me with patience. All these experiences brought me to where I am today.”

To those looking to build a career based on their passion, Smallwood urges you to “lean into yourself and get a better understanding of who you are. Instead of seeking distractions, get quiet with your thoughts. Lean into the painful things that have shaped you, as they are a key to unlocking who you were meant to be and what you were meant to do.”

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