It's not summer without a little kite-flying action. Sure, you can buy one cheap enough, but why not get creative and extend the family fun by making your own. It comes together fast!

Kite Materialspinterest
Mike Garten


• A roll of clear contact paper

• A ball of string

• Straws (two for the width, three for the length)

• Scissors to cut out tissue paper shapes

• Ribbon

STEP 1: Tie straws together at the center with string. Cut contact paper into two diamond shapes; peel backing off one and place sticky side up. Press straws onto paper.

Kite Step 1pinterest
Mike Garten

STEP 2: Stick tissue paper shapes all over, then top with second diamond sheet. Loop string around each corner, then tie them together for the bridle. Add a ribbon tail.

Kite Step 3pinterest
Mike Garten

This story originally appeared in the July 2015 issue of Good Housekeeping.