David Beatman shares a Hazen story

My name is David Beatman,

My 1st experience with Camp Hazen was bringing my older brother to his Oska site back in the late 60's.  I got to use ropes to climb up the Sachem cliff face...and boy, was that fun!!!

My own Hazen story began as a 2 session Mosakwa camper, in cabins 16 & 15, at the then all boy's camp in 1972.  I was a shy kid, but do recall the adventures with my cabin mates and taking many different classes, including Riflery.  I just loved improving my shooting skills at every class.  I also learned basic gimp skills, like the box and barrel stitches.  4 Square was also huge during free time.  The Phaneuf girls, Michelle, Denise, Jeannie and Diane were in classes with all the boys then.  In years to come, more Phaneuf kids joined the mix!

The next year, I spent 2 sessions up in Sachem in Cabin 25.  I continued with Riflery, of course!  I learned new gimp stitches like the diamond, spiral and butterfly stitches.  I think I made my first tornado that summer! 

I skipped 1974, choosing instead to do a canoe trip with Camp Jewell.

In 1975, I did a Camp Jewell bike trip, but also returned for my last Hazen camper session in cabin 19.  Riflery was still my favorite class, as always.  I recall making the biggest tornado with gimp.  I was on a Sachem softball team that beat every other team, including the LEA team and AC team.  Man, were we good!

I was a LEA in 1976.  There were 9 of us and we were there for the whole summer.  We were still considered campers, but we didn't like that title at all because we had grown-up responsibilities like covering counselor days off, learning First Aid and Lifesaving--and helping with maintenance projects all around camp all summer.  One of my fellow LEAs was a young man named Mike Learned!  That year I learned what it meant to be a leader, a role model and a teacher.

I returned for 5 more seasons, teaching Riflery, leading cabins of young men and taking much pride in what I felt was my real life.....the more important 3 months of the year that outshined the tedium of school and my family.  In 1979, I was Riflery Director and counselor during the first full season that included girls and female counselors.  Not only was Denise Phaneuf part of the staff, she was also one of my Riflery instructors.  I also introduced Advanced Riflery to the most experienced camp shooters, preparing them for High School Rifle Team 4 position marksmanship. 

In my last 2 summers, I was Archery/Riflery Director.  It was during these last 2 summers when we all witnessed the start of what is likely to be the greatest Camp Hazen relationship of all time--between Denise Phaneuf and Mike Learned!

Along with those two, there were a bunch of us who had worked together for many years.  We were nothing less than family to each other.  That is what Camp Hazen is!!!

On my final day of camp in 1981, I tearfully walked past the sign-up sheet for 1982, knowing that I would be graduating college and moving on with my life, as planned.

40 years later, I continue to volunteer when I can...and continue to visit my family at Camp Hazen.  The fact that Denise & Mike are still there means that a part of me has also never left!  

I used to say that I used to know every blade of grass at Camp Hazen by name, but when I visit now, I feel as if every blade of grass still knows me...



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