Six Mioches, by Francisque Poulbot

Francisque Poulbot was a French painter, sculptor and illustrator. Around the turn of the nineteenth century, Poulbot's work was published in the French magazine Le Pêle-Mêle. During the first World War, his work appeared in La Baïonnette, in the comic 'Six Mioches', written by Charles Derennes.

Les Soulier de Baluche, by Poulbot

Francisque Poulbot's most famous work was his book about the children of Montmartre, where he showed the impact of the War on children. Poulbot had additionally drawn picture stories for the prints of the Imagerie Quantin in Paris (a.o. 'Les Souliers de Baluche', 'Le Rêve de Nini').

Par les Toits, by Francisque Poulbot
Par les Toits, by Francisque Poulbot

Le Reve de Nini, by Poulbot

comic art by Poulbot

Artwork by Poulbot
(en français)

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