Godot Engine’s Post

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Looking for some stability in your life? 🏠 Don't worry, we've got your back. The #MaintenanceRelease is here! Highlights: - audio crackling on Windows fixed - missing dependencies don't prevent opening scenes anymore - highlight topics: CI/CD, GDScript, C# and Android https://lnkd.in/dvwk29Fi But we are not the only useful robots around here 🤖 check out the #IGF2024 audience award winner "RAM: Random Access Mayhem" Xylem Studios #godot #godotengine #release

Maintenance release: Godot 4.2.2 & 4.1.4

Maintenance release: Godot 4.2.2 & 4.1.4


"RAM: a top-down roguelike shooter with no player character. Seize control of diverse robotic enemies, turn them against each other in frantically paced combat, and fluidly swap to fresh hosts as old ones collapse into smoldering rubble." https://store.steampowered.com/app/2256450/RAM_Random_Access_Mayhem/

We've been waiting for 4.3 for a month, why godot 4.2.2 released instead of godot 4.3?

Aleksandar Popovic

Game Developer, frontend, backend web developer, Android mobile app developer, Blender 3D artis, Linux user around 17 years, love open source work, and software to use...


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