The 30th Week of 2023 – Search & AI News Roundup

The 30th Week of 2023 – Search & AI News Roundup

Happy Sunday Doers 😉

As we close another exciting week, I want to share with you 6 essential insights that shape the landscape of Search & AI Business.

So, let's dive right into... 🚀


1) SEO Conference in the UK

I'm feeling a bit of FOMO right now, as I just heard about the SEO conference in Birmingham that happened last week. I really wish I had been able to attend, as it would have been an excellent opportunity to connect with top SEOs and learn about the latest trends in the industry.

There's always something special about attending a conference in person. You get to meet people face-to-face, ask questions, and get feedback on your own work. You also get to be inspired by the energy and enthusiasm of the other attendees.

I'm definitely going to make an effort to attend SEO conferences in the future. I currently reconsider my SEO direction for the future.

Either way, Jaume Ros Salvador dropped the real SEO bombs in his vlog where he asked Top SEO agency guys, Top SEO affiliate guys and Top SEO consultants about their golden SEO advice.

Golden Nuggets:

🎙️ Consistency is key in content creation and link building for SEO success. The compound effect of regular efforts leads to significant results.

🗣️ Use strategic partnerships to grow your SEO agency, and consider hiring in South Africa for a great workforce at similar rates as other regions.

📊 Measure the value of your SEO efforts by checking the actual click-through rate (CTR) in the search console. Optimize your title tags and meta descriptions to maximize clicks and ensure you're getting the value you deserve.

📏 Target low-competition keywords related to questions or topics on platforms like Quora and Reddit. Write blog posts on these topics to easily rank and gain traffic.

🎛️ An innovative SEO approach: Use user experience (UX) metrics to influence search rankings, focusing on engagement and relevance. A zero backlinks approach is possible for ranking, but results may vary.

🏞️ Focus on brand representation in the search engine results page (SERP). Ensure that Google's understanding of your brand aligns with what you want to convey to your audience, leading to search-generative experience improvements.

🧩 Try building tier 2 links to guest posts or low DR pages to enhance their authority and rankings. Internal linking extensively to achieve topical dominance and improve site-wide quality score.

🤖 Use AI-generated content to increase content volume and improve topical dominance. Optimize page content for relevance, authority, and E-E-A-T signals to become an industry authority.

🔎 Focus on quality link building for SEO success. Prioritize guest posts, news articles, and contextual links from blogger outreach to achieve natural link profiles in Google's eyes.

🖼️ A unique SEO strategy: Utilize AI-generated content with a one-by-one pixel image filled with content for keyword ranking. An experimental approach, but the results might be temporary.

The SEO Legends:

2:32 WPEagle - SEO Youtuber

3:24 Charles Floate SEO Legend

5:37 Kyle Roof - SEO Legend

7:34 Mads Singers - SEO Legend

8:31 Joshua George - SEO Agency

10:45 Nick Jordan - Content King

12:10 Jason Barnard - Knowledge Panel Master

13:56 Jason Mills - The Affiliate School

14:44 James Oliver - Affiliate SEO

15:30 Craig Campbell - SEO Master

17:03 James Dooley - SEO Entrepreneur

18:00 Jamie I.F. - Affiliate SEO

19:53 Arielle Phoenix - Affiliate SEO

20:33 Joe Davies - FatJoe

Thank Jaume again for your insights in Search 😉

2) 16 Companies that Dominate the World’s Google Search Results

This report was released in May by, and it's the best-respected report I've read in the last weeks if not years...

I need to share it with you because you will discover 16 powerful brands behind 562+ sites, getting 3.7B+ clicks/month! 🚀

Yes! 3.7 billion clicks each month!

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🚀 Search Dominance:

The 16 companies often rank on the first page of search results for various queries, showing their strong presence in search engine rankings.

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These numbers may not be perfect, but they should give a good idea of how big they are in general.

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I'm quite less concerned with how these large companies are getting an unfair advantage in Google, but rather I'm more interested in learning from what they are doing.

And I believe that it's always possible to rank new websites and make money from them 🤑, even though a few large companies have a strong hold on Google search results.

3) Google DeepMind CEO Says Company's AI Will Surpass ChatGPT

🤔 Are we going to experience something more sophisticated than ChatGPT?

Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind, has said that a new algorithm called Gemini is being developed that is going to be better than OpenAI's ChatGPT.

Most of us have known that Google is working on an AI called Gemini, which is set to outshine OpenAI's ChatGPT. And Google CEO Sundar Pichai previously mentioned Gemini during Google I/O 2023, hinting at its capabilities.

But he anticipates the project could cost hundreds of millions to complete, highlighting its ambitious scope.

What are your thoughts on this? 🧐

4) Creating Informational Content with POVs (Points of View)

This is a fascinating article written by Victor Ijidola.

Especially when you build topical authority, let's say on your affiliate website, and need to keep the ratio between informational and commercial content 80/20 in control.

Speaking of informational SEO content, according to Victor, there is a way to enhance it by incorporating Points of View (POVs).

Key takeaway:

🔍 Informational SEO content alone drives traffic, but Victor explains that incorporating unique Points of View (POVs) allows readers to connect, build trust, and increase conversion rates.

  • 💡 POVs (Points of View) in informational content provide value and persuade readers to take action.
  • 📚 A POV is a unique perspective or view about a topic, often formed by personal experiences or observations.
  • 👥 Sharing POVs helps form deeper connections with search visitors, making the brand preferred by "serial searchers."
  • 🕰️ POVs hold readers' attention for longer, making them more likely to engage with the content.
  • 💼 POVs can drive more conversions by introducing a unique perspective that piques readers' interest.
  • 📢 Creating content with specific POVs can build a socially relevant brand that encourages sharing on social media.
  • 🔎 Tips for creating POV-driven content:
Find relevant topics, identify distinct POVs, introduce unbiased contrasting approaches, back POVs with data and case studies, and infuse POVs throughout the content.
  • 🧠 POVs are informed opinions based on data, research, experience, or insights that differentiate the brand and build trust with the audience.
  • 🖊️ Sharing POVs inside informational SEO content builds confidence and authority in the niche, making the content more interesting and memorable.

I don't know about you, but POV has influenced me, and I'm going to incorporate it into my content.

Because sharing my POV is not just about providing information; it's about offering real value to readers and showcasing expertise and authority in a niche.

5) The Easiest SEO Links Are Right Under Your Nose

I just read Eli Schwartz's post on LinkedIn about internal links, and it's spot on!

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His tips shared here are valuable for anyone looking to improve their website's search rankings.

I especially agree with the emphasis on having at least one internal link on every page. It's a simple yet powerful step that can make a big difference. Also, considering where the pages link from, with the homepage being the most valuable, is a smart approach.

And I'm intrigued by the suggestion of using programmatic methods and scripts to update internal links regularly.

Does anyone have any recommendations or insights on how to implement this effectively?

Let's keep the discussion going!

6) 10 Google Maps Features That Help Navigate More Confidently

Google Maps is not only useful for getting from one place to another but also offers several additional features to enhance the user experience.

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Here are 10 things you can do with Google Maps on your phone when you want to go somewhere.

  • 🚶 Use Live View walking directions to easily navigate unfamiliar areas on foot.
  • 🌿 Opt for fuel-efficient driving routes to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.
  • 📍 Add multiple destinations to your directions for efficient trip planning.
  • 📥 Download maps for offline use in areas with limited internet connectivity.
  • 📌 Save places to create lists of destinations you want to visit.
  • ⏰ Set "Arrive by" time to ensure punctuality for important appointments.
  • 📚 Read reviews and view photos of places of interest directly from Google Maps.
  • 📊 Check popular times for places to avoid long lines and save time.
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  • 🗺️ Share your location or trip progress with family and friends for safety and coordination.
  • 🔍 Search along your route to find essential stops like gas stations conveniently.

That's all from me this week!

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and let's look forward to another week!

Remember, in the fast-paced world of SEO and AI, being well-informed is your greatest asset.

And as always, Search for Prosperity 🚀 🌍 🔥

Wishing you a fantastic week ahead filled with inspiration!

Believe, Act, and Prosper.


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