7 Japanese Techniques to Stop Overthinking
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7 Japanese Techniques to Stop Overthinking

We are living in a day and age when all of us feel we are constantly running against time, thanks to the hustle culture and never-ending to-do lists. We hardly get time to reflect over things, sit in quiet and enjoy a few moments of silence. If there is one thing that most of us struggle with then it must be overthinking. Even though some of us try not to overthink things, we cannot help but dwell increasingly on troubling thoughts. If you are looking for some respite, then there are 7 Japanese techniques that can help you calm down and relax. They are listed below, and the last one is particularly fun and interesting. 


It simply means to practice accepting things that are not in your control. There is no point in wasting time over things that you have no control over, right? Instead, you should always look forward to things that are in your control. This is a forward-thinking attitude that if you’re able to develop, you will be able to navigate through life’s struggles in a better way. 


Whenever you feel tired from the hustle culture, you want to take a break. Don't we all joke about how we want to move up north in the lap of the Himalayas and spend time peacefully? This technique suggests that the best way you can avoid overthinking is by surrounding yourself with greenery in the lap of nature where you can feel at ease. This will help calm your mind. 


It’s a simple and powerful way of shifting your mind from things that are causing you to overthink. It suggests that you repeat a sacred phrase that you believe in or simply chant the name of Buddha. This way it will help your mind to focus better and find peace too. It is a wonderful way to feel calm and mindful of what you are doing and feeling. 

Zazen is a form of meditation that is extensively practiced in Zen Buddhism. It helps calm one’s mind. When in mediation, one can reflect on one’s thoughts without any judgment. A fantastic way to reduce the habit of overthinking, it is super effective. 


It’s about teaching yourself that you must not feel bogged down in times of difficulty. The idea is to stay strong and resilient even when life surprises you by moving forward. The best way to go about it is by focusing on taking one step at a time. 


This Japanese technique asks you to accept that things are always not perfect and how everything is transient in life. Once you can come to terms with these two things, you will feel the pressure of achieving perfection dwindling away. This will help you feel calm and reduce overthinking in a major way. 


This one is an interesting technique and effective too. It suggests that you arrange flowers and place them in a very thoughtful manner with utmost attention. When your mind becomes too engrossed in creating something of beauty, you will see how fast your mind will stop focusing on troubling thoughts. 

Sunita Sahu

Software Development Engineer - 2 at Codemaya


Please mention the book name from where you pick these 7 techniques.

Margaret Punj

Education Entrepreneur | Owner The Winner's Academy | Transforming Learning Experiences for IELTS Aspirants |Co-Author 'Communication Skills and Personality Development'| Author 'The Love Prisoner'


An amazing read.


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