Book Publishing Gimmicks and Success Stories with Brian Wright

Book Publishing Gimmicks and Success Stories with Brian Wright

The World's Mayor Experience Episode 8: Book Publishing Gimmicks and Success Stories with Brian Wright

In this episode of The World's Mayor Experience, host Joshua T. Berglan sit s down with Brian K. Wright, a bestselling author, writing coach, radio show host, and magazine publisher who helps people share their message with the world and monetize their expertise.


Brian discusses the book publishing industry and exposes common gimmicks that authors should be aware of. He also shares success stories from authors who have been able to achieve their goals, and provides tips on how to write a book, build a successful author platform, and market your book effectively.


In addition, Joshua discusses his personal journey to success and how he applies the 1% rule from the book Atomic Habits to his life.


This episode is perfect for anyone who is interested in:

  • Writing a book

  • Self-publishing

  • Book publishing gimmicks

  • How to achieve success

  • The 1% rule

  • Author interviews

  • Book marketing

  • Book publishing trends

Call to action:

Visit Brian K. Wright's website to learn more about his coaching services, book publishing resources, and bestselling book series: []

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Joshua's Opening Monologue


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Joshua Berglan: Good day, My name is Joshua, Berglan, and I'm also known as the Welcome to the World's Mayor Experience. I don't even know what episode this is. technically it's Episode 8 but somewhere along the lines because I've recorded some other episodes that I have published. Yet I've got the numbers all next.

Joshua Berglan: But hope you guys are doing well, thank you so much for being here today. This is going to be a lot of fun. In fact, it is fun because I did the interview yesterday. Life has gotten so much busier that typically, when I do all this, I do the recording intros, everything the same day and that's just not a reality for me at this moment because things have gotten busier, and I'm really excited launching.

Joshua Berglan: Launching donation based media consulting.

Joshua Berglan: I got kind of made fun of, kind of told I was an idiot for doing this and yet, it's already turned out to be one of the greatest blessings of my life. And here's why, and by the way, if you're watching on YouTube or Rumble, or any other video hosting site or you're listening on any of the podcasts around the world, I really love the ASHA podcast service. By the way, I don't work with them. I don't get paid for saying this but I do want to tell you that it's the best podcast service I've ever worked with. I love it. It's just fantastic. I highly recommend it. Especially if you're wanting to get your podcast into new markets, this is the way to go, Asha, a Usha. I really like Love their customer service, so I want to recommend them before I get into this, but thank you for watching our YouTube channels grow. It's kind of awesome after being kicked off the platform twice.

Joshua Berglan: To now be monetized on YouTube and have a better working relationship with them is nice. I do absolutely 100% believe in the power of self hosting and independent media but it would all be lying. If I said that there's not a lot of value in being on YouTube, especially if you're on a budget because you don't need money to be on YouTube. that said, thank you again for being here. And today's guest, Brian Wright is awesome. Brian is a good friend. And in this conversation, we talk a little bit about publishing. What it takes to write a good book. We talk about really, why people write books and some of the

Joshua Berglan: Sometimes of the ill-fated reasons people choose to write a book or why people write a book and they think it's gonna be one thing but it's not and also get into kind of the publishing game. That's played some of the deceptive practices for publishing a book because there's a lot of programs that promise you being a best seller. They promise you a lot of money and then the actual substance behind that is a little sketchy and that's just the fact, How do I know that? Because I toured with speakers all over the country. I work behind the scenes that produce their events. I kind of have seen what goes on, not with every event. I'm not gonna say this for everyone but I will tell you that just because someone says You can earn $10,000 in a couple months using their service or you can be a bestseller. It's not really what you think.

Joshua Berglan: If I want to be very clear being an international best-selling author, and four countries, doesn't that sound sexy? Not gonna lie when I hear it. I'm going. Wow, look at me. This is amazing because that's me. I have my book the devil inside me. We had number one and four countries. Should be really excited about that. but the truth is, games, the system is a new what to do and as silly as it is, It doesn't mean anything to me but I market that I'm a best-selling author because what it opens doors. that's the reality of it. So you gotta ask yourself when you're writing a book, Why am I doing this? And we get into that with Brian today.


Joshua Berglan: The other thing that we talked about this reminded me of this and I'm kind of grateful that I didn't record an opening yesterday because I would have not talked about this but Brian and I get into a conversation. That reminds me of Our journeys to success, to our hero's our journey to be the greatest version of ourselves to our journey to be what God created us to be. Of course, I know we have free will but, when we get these downloads and visions, I believe with all my heart, that is the Creator showing us what's possible for our lives. and in my case, I've seen the evidence to that be true. I also know what the consequences are of running from that because that's what I did. The whole devil inside me book. Is my journey. To finding myself.

Joshua Berglan: Defining God Getting Aligned Back with God finding it's a wild story. It's all true and it's very triggering just being honest with you. And we actually discussed that too about being a social media influence or being somebody of influence and How much do you talk about with yourself? We get into this subject with Brian too. But when I talk to Brian, I first met Brian. When I first began my journey. In fact, we talked on the phone. I don't know if you remember this. but,

Joshua Berglan: Here we talked for a while and I had just gotten out of being homeless. I had this dream of being a talk show host, and this is right when I first started doing Facebook live. That's kind of how I met Brian. And we got on a phone and talked and I actually thought I was gonna be invited on the show't Still It's been seven years want to be on a show but as an invited me but not trying to drop hints. Brian anyway.

Joshua Berglan: But at the same time, I can see why I haven't been because his magazine and his radio show are about people who have established themselves that have proven to be successful. I'm still on a journey. I've accomplished a lot bestseller in four countries. Eight film festival wins. Yeah, we did all that and did it with no money. I know how to do that. And that's one of the things that I teach people because I know how to do it. but, I mean why also know how to put together? Good content, maybe you may disagree with the way I broadcast, but whatever. I'm pretty creative and I have the awards to prove it anyway and I've actually won an award for my talk show too. So

Joshua Berglan: What I was doing A Conversation with Joshua t Berglan, but I'm full world's Mayor. I don't even let my wife call me Joshua. She calls me. Joshua all the time anyway making stuff Back to what I was saying.

Joshua Berglan: It reminded me of the journey. Because when I first met Brian. I remember where I was at, just got done being homeless. Didn't know anything. Just started doing Facebook live. It was before I figured out how you could multipurpose Facebook lives, and turn it into podcasts, didn't even TV shows and other things. And that was back when it was much easier to download videos on Facebook, by the way, and I got on Facebook for about a few weeks.

Joshua Berglan: I'm still here. Why is this thing? I am I apologize. I've changed recording software.

Joshua Berglan: I'm using Google meet now and I like it better than zoom and not saying that the Kiss Google's butt either but I don't like Google's products. That I went back to using Chrome. Because of the AI integration that's about to happen. Anyway, I'm getting off subject. So the journey I'm going to focus. I should be focused and it's got back from the gym. Yeah anyway, Brian reminded me of the journey where I was at then and then what's happened since. Going from Facebook live to becoming vice president of a streaming TV network, that's very popular. Got to do that. Had my own network with our nonprofit, by the way.

Joshua Berglan: Giving away network slots is not a good business strategy but we were a nonprofit thought that was a good idea. Wanted to help people wanted to serve and it's like when people see free stuff, they just get skeptical. It's the weirdest thing. And yet, at the same time, the very people I want to help typically don't have the money to do all that stuff. maybe I was ill advised in trying to give it away, but I don't know. It's kind of why I went to donation based media consulting. It's not that I'm doing the work for you, but if you want my advice to how to do any of the things that I'm able to do and that's a long list. It's on the world's mayor, calm. But if I can just guide you to do it, I mean, yeah, I know there's value there but I don't want to say, you need to send me $5,000 now because I just changed your life or because I just gave you a strategy that is going to change your business forever. I don't believe in doing that.


Joshua Berglan: If you see value then pay me. But if you want me to do the work for you, that's a different conversation then, I'm not working for free, but I am also here to be able to advise and if you can donate on that, then great if you can't, But I'm here to serve and my heart is sincere about that but I also know my value. It's only clear that up, but this journey has been wild. It's been full of failure. It's been gone from again, starting with That Facebook live, believe it or not is what taught me how to make a movie with no money. Learned all of these things along the way. So, in this journey, gosh, it's taking a long time to say this, but in this journey

Joshua Berglan: But it reminded me of how far I've come and even looking at Brian, how far he's come since that journey started seven years ago, his journey was way before he's been very successful for a while. Brian is one of the nicest kindest best people. I know one of the most trustworthy people, I know, and I don't know anyone that says, anything bad about it and in that world of book, publishers and speakers and authors, there's a lot of a holes And there's a lot of shady people and Brian, right? Is one of the best people I've ever seen or a met. He's great at what he does and he's great with people and he actually cares about people. In that to me. Is one of many reasons why I would want to work with him and why I recommend working with him. So,

Joshua Berglan: I'm reading a book called Atomic Habits and I just started reading it. And it reminded me of my conversation with Brian. And that's what all this lead up. Has been to And I also want to thank everyone watching directly on the website, the world's As opposed to one of the other platforms but I'm grateful wherever you watch and listen. But from the book Atomic Habits, it took these notes from this is the very first chapter. But it is profound. because, It reminds me of something. That I heard Craig Groeschel. from life Church Said, if you want to see God, work miracles in your life. Do something each day to stretch your faith.

Joshua Berglan: What does that take in to stretch your faith? It's really ultimately. You took one step forward, sometimes we take one step forward and two steps back, I forgot that song. Never mind. I was gonna sing and then I never mind.

Joshua Berglan: As long as you can get one step, you're positive one step each day. you can see God, work miracles in your life because you're stretching your face. bad example, maybe. But, here's what came from the book. if you can get 1% better each day for one year, You'll end up 37 times better. Once you are done, I don't know how that math works out, but that is what's in the book. What starts with a small win turns into something more. Don't dismiss small changes. These are just my notes. I'm not in order of the book. of course this can work with bad habits as well. taking a step back each day. And you look back.

Joshua Berglan: You've got negative steps for a month straight. financial Think about debt. Same thing, but compounding interest. Right. So I think that's a good thing. but, 1% better each day for one year, you'll end up 37 times better.


Joshua Berglan: So what can you do each day to ensure? That you are one percent better that day.

Joshua Berglan: And this last thing I wrote success is the product of daily habits, not a once in a lifetime transformation. That reminds me of.

Joshua Berglan: I'm not trying to bring church into this or religion, but this is the story that came to mind, so here we are. I can't tell you how many times that I Prayed the salvation prayer. God change me. Fix me, I'm saved.

Joshua Berglan: got that spiritual high for a week or two, but then why it went away? Because I wasn't doing the work. Because I thought, okay, Jesus. Save me. And then it was magically gonna get better. It's magically no longer be an addict and I'm crazy person.

Joshua Berglan: Doesn't work that way. My life didn't change. Until I was committed to the the journey. And committed to the relationship.

Joshua Berglan: And while my faith, and my beliefs have changed a lot, they're still very much the same. If there was a word for this, I would call myself a Gospel of Thomas. Follower of Christ. And if you don't know about the Gospel of Thomas, It's just the direct sayings of Jesus. Now, some people argue this but it's a very Gnostic book.

Joshua Berglan: it's a very different book and even though the Bible refers to a lot of what the Gospel of Thomas is saying, there's a lot of other verbiage that I think distracts people from understanding that it's saying basically the same things But yet the Gospel of Thomas is not allowed in the Bible. And you know why it's not allowed in the Bible. if you have an answer it's probably an opinion just being honest with you, it's probably an opinion. because I don't think any of us know for a fact but we could assume

Joshua Berglan: That the Gospel of Thomas is the most Self mastery.

Joshua Berglan: Personal Self-relationship Book of Any Religious Text. especially that's in the Bible because it focuses on you and the God within Christ within And that. we're not God but we're part of God and that doesn't make us, God but It makes us more of a god than we actually treat ourselves to be or show others the respect of. I think I said that right basically. if I have gotten me and you have gotten you, then why do I treat you s***. Why do I disrespect you? Why do I judge you? Why do I

Joshua Berglan: Make fun of you or criticize you or laugh at your goofy Hairdo or whatever. Like it, I'm not saying I do that. I'm just making up examples. Because I've had plenty of bad haircuts and I'm bald. So I've hair, but I have Really big bald spot that keeps me from growing up my hair because I'm very insecure about that bald spot because it looks like a bird. Nest got slaughtered in the back of my head, when I have Long hair. So that's why I shave my head.

Joshua Berglan: Success is the product of daily habits, not a once and a lifetime transformation? It's a work. It's journey. It's self-mastery, it's self-control. It's killing your ego. It's becoming who you were created to be. That is the most important thing on the planet. Why? Because who you're created to be? That person has a purpose that person has gifting, that person has talent.

Joshua Berglan: In all of that it is meant to be a blessing to other people. The lessons that we learn or intellectual property, are to be used to teach others, to pay it forward, to help the next generation to help other people who are struggling from the same place that you once. That is what all of that is for. We are here for each other, we are here to serve and love each other. We are here to live purposefully but our purpose isn't about us individually. It is about other people. But for us to master ourselves, we have to die to self.


Joshua Berglan: We have to surrender, our free will. for our creators will because after all our Creator created us for specific purpose, So, I get very excited. When I meet people who are living in their purpose, I get even more excited for people who are looking to step into their purpose. And if you're one of those people and you need help, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to serve No questions asked.

Joshua Berglan: Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for listening to this monologue. And again, you're in for a treat. Brian is a truly special guy. This is a great conversation. So much love for Brian and all that he does. Thank you for liking subscribing, sharing, wherever you're watching from, tell a friend, we have a big mission. our goal with the world to my experience other than the tour and communities and things like that around the world. We want to help 500 million people in all of the ways that we are able to help and it's a lot. So, thank you for being here, bless you. See you soon, bye.

Meeting ended after 00:22:16 👋


Transcript of Joshua and Brian's Conversation 

Joshua Berglan: There we go, welcome back to the World’s Mayor Experience.. Ladies and gentlemen, I am so honored to introduce my friend and someone I have not had the privilege of getting to interview and several years, in fact, but does not change my love for the man and just the absolute One of the most passionate enthusiastic guys, I know about his work about his purpose, about what he gets to do. He is this amazing magazine called Success Profiles where it's a magazine. You have to check out every single person, I know that's been on the cover and who's been graced in those pages, is someone that all of us can learn from, but that said, I personally believe we can learn a lot more from the man that produces that magazine, Mr. Brian Wright, Brian. So, blessed to have you here. My man.

Brian Wright: Yeah. I'm doing great. Joshua Berglan: Great to have you again. How are you doing?

Brian Wright: And by the way, I have rebranded the magazine in the last year, it's now called Ultimate Achievers magazine.

Joshua Berglan: Joshua Berglan: That's better. So ultimate achievers. Brian Wright: Yes, it's a better name. The radio show is still the same success profiles radio.

Joshua Berglan: Okay.

Brian Wright: That's 11 and a half years old. I want to keep that brand but Ultimate Achievers. Magazine is now the publication and I just recently released this month's issue, Shay HilldaBrand is on the cover and he played Major League Baseball, the two-time all-star and now he has a foundation called Against All Odds and it's Teaching Kids Leadership Through Baseball, it's really cool.

Joshua Berglan: I like That's very cool. So the name changed. When you envision that, what were you thinking? what is an ultimate achiever?

Brian Wright: I think someone who fully embraces who they are and what their mission in the world is, and then they've gone out and actually done it and are still doing it.

Joshua Berglan: And that's tough because It's easy to talk about the visions and...

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Brian Wright: Mm-hmm Joshua Berglan: the dreams and all that, which are important, but it doesn't really mean the same until you got there because,...

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: It's like being a carnival Barker. And I understand that for my own journey, it gets tough, like, you may have an expertise and you may be really gifted in something. But until you've actually accomplished the things that you talk about, people aren't just gonna listen to you and that's a fact of life. And it can be maddening for those that are on their journey because you're...

Brian Wright: Yeah. Joshua Berglan: Why aren't you listening to me? I know what I'm talking about. go do it for yourself first.

And then, Talk about it. So

Brian Wright: Yeah, absolutely. And it's so interesting because one of my book writing clients that I'm writing a book for, I wrote a chapter about gratitude today for his book and the idea that once when you are grateful for where you are, then you'll get more and his book is about growing and scaling a business as quickly as possible. And one of the things that I talked about in his chapter is When you start reaching new levels, you start reaching a new set of problems. And the problem is you're currently experien preparing you for the challenges that you'll get to face later. I said Get to not have to get to face later because that means the challenges, you're facing bigger, the impact that you are going to have

Joshua Berglan: one of the greatest lessons that I learned and applied to my life, in my journey, Was hearing that. All of the giants obstacles. The boulders that come in our way. We were created to overcome them. We were created to defeat them now. Do we do it with God? I personally believe it's about being aligned with God and His creation and our purpose, but ultimately, we were created to overcome those things so that we can teach next The lessons that we learned and when I heard that it was Graham Cooke that said As a matter of fact, and I heard it five years ago, but it stuck with me because every obstacle that came my way that felt impossible.

Joshua Berglan: I had established this belief that I was destined to overcome. It may take a little bit, but I was destined for What's been your personal philosophy? Because again, you get to hear a lot of other people's philosophies doing what you do, but for yourself and your own goals. What is the go- for you? That you tell yourself when craps hit in the fan and it looks like you're stuck.

Brian Wright: The pendulum swings both ways. This season will not last forever. Joshua Berglan: Good.

Brian Wright: I'm at a bad spot, This season will not last forever, but the pendulum swings both ways. You can't get too low and you can't get too high.

Joshua Berglan: I'm learning that I'm in the middle of my second month of Self-mastery. Brian Wright: What. Okay?

Joshua Berglan: In learning, from a coach, it's been amazing for me. But one of the biggest takeaways that I've had Or noticed is that? I can get really excited about something and it can do just as much damage as getting really, really upset.

Brian Wright: Yeah. Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: It's wild to think that that's the case, but there's something about that. I don't know if that's for everyone, but for me, I'm trying to stay in this sweet spot of not getting too high and most people if they know me, they know that I'm very passionate, guys, especially about what I get to do.

Joshua Berglan: But that passion has caused me more problems and I can say has done good for you of all the people that you've had the opportunity to interview and learn from what's probably the most profound thing that you've been able to learn. That actually surprised you

Brian Wright: That's a really great question. I think, honestly, everyone puts their pants on the same way just because someone's achieved greatness, doesn't mean that there are any more special than I am. It just means that they figured something out before I did and that's all

Joshua Berglan: What is the simple answer? Brian Wright: They figured out before I did. That's really it.

Joshua Berglan: What if you've been involved in media for a long time? You are very well established have an amazing reputation, which is really hard to maintain.

Brian Wright: Thank you.

Joshua Berglan: In fact, I would say, since we first met, I think maybe seven years ago. time flies. I've noticed a lot of people that I followed and followed their journey, that go through a lot of extreme up and downs. There's problems. There's reinventing themselves. There's changing there's disruption whether it's self-inflicted or not. And yet with you, you've maintained this level of consistency across the board. You're messaging your branding. Yes, you've grown. But you're consistent. How in the world have you been able to stay consistent for this long? Because I'm dedicated,

Brian Wright: Yeah. Joshua Berglan: And I'm determined, but I'm not consistent in my approaches. I'm changing them floating

with the wind sometimes. Brian Wright: Yeah. Joshua Berglan: You've been very slow and steady. How is that?

Brian Wright: that's really interesting because I've had opportunities to get derailed in 2014 out of life threatening illness. I had h1n1 swine, flu virus and ammonia horrible. And I was told pour the end of my hospital stay that I almost died. In fact, there were some of the medical staff, two of them actually told me to my face. We almost put you on a ventilator. and we decided to give you one more day to see if you might start improving a little bit and I did, So I'm very happy and grateful that it took me out of the game for about three months. But I went right back to it because it's so interesting. I interviewed Elrod a couple times about the Miracle morning effect. The first time I interviewed him was before the Miracle morning was written. So I got to talk with him pretty early on which was really awesome. But he talked about it. Surviving a threatening experience when he was hit head-on by a driver. And he just started asking me.

Brian Wright: Instead of thinking about what could go wrong and people telling him he's not gonna ever walk again. His question instead was, How am I going to impact the world when I leave here? So that's the question. I just start asking myself, I had two weeks in a hospital bed where I had nothing to do except think and watch pretty Super Bowl coverage because I was in the hospital during Super Bowl weeks. The year that the Seahawks destroyed the Broncos. It was a horrible game. Thank goodness for Bruno Mars saving the day with a halftime performance. That was unbelievable.

Joshua Berglan:

Brian Wright: The game itself is horrible, but I sat in the hospital room and I started dwelling on the lessons. Number one, be aggressively thankful for Number two, take nothing for granted. Number three, treasure your friends and family because you never know when any of that would take away from you. And that's true thing about how I want to impact the world. The magazine wasn't the thing yet. I started that two years later. But I wanted to continue my show. I wanted to speak on stages. I wanted to do some coaching eventually. I did my magazine. Even bigger things are coming up in the future that I can't discuss yet, but it's gonna be a huge expansion of my brand going forward. And it's just about focusing on what's next? And doing it consistently and never ever giving up. Now, I will say,

Brian Wright: When you see people's journeys on social media, they share the ups and the downs and that's all great. But one thing you'll notice about the most successful people is they don't usually share the muck while they're still in it. I share that stuff. Once it's resolved and then I share the lessons that I learned. So that's how I keep it real. And I have a small circle of people that I share that stuff with while I'm going through it coaches, best friends. That kind of thing but I keep that circle really small. I don't spray it all over the place. I keep my circle really small,...


Joshua Berglan: Brian Wright: but when I do share things like that on social media, it's usually after there's a resolution to

the issue and then I shared, this is what I learned.

Joshua Berglan: Yeah, that's a valuable lesson and I don't regret any of what I shared. Of course, I put it in a book and a movie...

Brian Wright: Mm-hmm

Joshua Berglan: but I don't regret any of it but at the same time, there comes a point where it's like, I mean, I moved past it now, I've healed from it now, I'm teaching and I'm getting to work with people that were just like me. I don't really need to talk about this and broadcast. I don't need to wear it on my T-shirt anymore, but that was a rough transition and...

Brian Wright: Right.

Joshua Berglan: in Here's I think I just shared with you before we started, I got back on Facebook after two years of being away, it was just not good for my mental health.

Joshua Berglan: and I wasn't in the frame of mind to be able to be on social media in a healthy way. and at the same time, not want to say the things that I wanted to say and what was going through my head, which Did do any waking people up being a truther. What good did it? Really do none. But I took two years off and I came back on. And I realized after kind of looking at what people shared and what people talk about how do I want to go about this?

Joshua Berglan: I'm not an inspirational quote kind of guy don't want to do that. I don't want to be a shock jock and that resents anymore,...

Brian Wright: No.

Joshua Berglan: There's really nothing and I don't need to be on here, posting sports scores. So what's the purpose of me being there? Not much. And to your point as I've gotten older and mature and have kids and a family. It's like okay what I got all that crap out, it's in a book. Now I can move forward but at least if anyone ever try to call me on my old stuff, I've already confessed it so you can't hang it over my head, but that's a real challenge. So let me ask you this. We are a world desperate. I believe in authenticity, genuine-ness and truth.

Brian Wright: Was it?

Joshua Berglan: Yet very little of us really know any absolute truth or enough absolute truths to be able to post them every day on social media. Write about it and talk about it. If you were young and you're coming in, and being the expert and multimedia that you have a young person that's stepping into this. They want to make a brand, they're building their media company because we're all gonna be media companies in the future. You won't have a job. What advice would you give to a youngster? That's stepping into social media for the first time and they're trying to establish their brand, how can they be authentic and truthful without being a

Joshua Berglan: What's the word just like either vomiting everything online trying to be showy? what advice would you give

Brian Wright: I've never been a showy kind of person. I would just start by talking about who you are and what have you learned what have you gone through? And what have you successfully navigated?

Joshua Berglan: And what?

Brian Wright: Because that stuff is inspiring. And you'll attract your crowd by who you are. It doesn't mean Vomiting, all the stuff that you've been through or are going through But if you're posting to make a point, you can use a story about what you've got through to illustrate that. So that way your post isn't about all the stuff you've gone through, it's about making your point, and this is why I can tell you this.

Joshua Berglan: I like That's good advice. And we are coming into. Joshua Berglan: A very interesting time in the world where technology is rapidly progressing. Brian Wright: Mm-hmm

Joshua Berglan: In fact, it's progressing faster than most people actually can comprehend or see yet, but it's there the generation of AI that we are existing in hasn't even been revealed to the public. So, we're kind of blind to this. What is your take on this? AI generation that's coming up. Where essentially whether it's

literal or figuratively, we're going to be merging with machine. What is your take on that subject about the use of AI partnering with relying on AI, or basically becoming part of AI? What's your take on all that?


Brian Wright: That's a slippery slope because I think no matter how you decide to use AI, you still have to develop your skills. to commun you still have to be able to speak eloquently. You still need to be able to write and even if you use AI to write something, you still have to edit that and make it who you are. Because if all of us are just relying on AI exclusively, no one knows whether that's actually you are not and then off it's a dies.

Joshua Berglan: You're a hundred percent right about that and there's a learning curve with it. I mean, I remember when I first started playing with it, It's...

Brian Wright: Hey. Joshua Berglan: Wow, I sound like a philosopher but I don't talk like that. If anyone ever hears me talk


Brian Wright: Yeah. Yeah,...

Joshua Berglan: go that guy doesn't talk that way.

Brian Wright: you have to be real careful with it because I don't think understand sarcasm yet.

Joshua Berglan: Mine's learning which is terrifying me. It is starting.

Brian Wright:

Joshua Berglan: Mine is starting to tell me what I need. Before I ask for it. That is and I have this dilemma every once in a while, won't go on. Do I really want to be using this? Because it's I mean,...

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: when it look it literally Predicted my next question. Buy it Answer.

Brian Wright: Yeah, as long as you using it as a tool and not as the end all be all because no matter what the technology is whether it's or something else. A few using it as a force It's great. If you're into the force for evil, it's terrible. It depends on who's using it and how it's being used.

Joshua Berglan: Your hundred percent right about that? Yeah, I mainly only use it for SEO at this point and it's good for spell check.

Joshua Berglan: That I want to use my brain as much as possible because some of the forms that I'm a part of, and I'm hearing people just talking about how dumb they're getting. And for me, I've actually learned a lot from it. I've learned more from it than not and I enjoy the convenience but in fairness It's a little frustrating, how fast and efficiently. I can work because now I just keep creating more work for myself before AI. I had my task. I would do it and then I was done using AI. I'm like, now I'm doing the job of six people.

Joshua Berglan: And that would normally take a month, I'm doing it in an hour like boy. So it just create and creative. So yeah. it's a very interesting time that we're in but I'm excited about the changes. I'm excited because I built my independent media platform years ago and I'm prepared for these changes that are coming. But I want to ask you because of AI and you're used to working with creatives and entrepreneurs and so How different? Do you think? Creatives art and so forth. how much do you think it will change is far as what is considered an artist or not? Or is it just a dying for lack of better words art.

Brian Wright: I think it lowers the barrier to entry which means you don't actually have to be good at something to use it. I mean you take a look at People...

Joshua Berglan: Brian Wright: who AI Photoshop their own photos.

Brian Wright: Even in music that can be interesting. the Beatles are supposed to be releasing their final song later this year. And Paul McCartney has said, All we did was we Separated from one of John Lennon's cassettes that he left behind back in the late 70s. All we did was separate the guitar from the voice. That's all. We used AI for the Beatles were never about. Artificial doing anything, they were always using what was around them to add to what they were doing. And they're using guitar licks that George Harrison left behind, and then pollen ring or ratting new. So, it's gonna be interesting.

Brian Wright: Yeah, it's interesting when George Harrison's, got this whole catalog of work and you can just pick stuff out that he's already done and figure out how to integrate it into what you're doing. That's interesting. But I think it can be used to enhance creativity and it can also be used as an excuse not to think anymore. And that's where I think the dumbing down of our generation is coming from. And it's not pretty...

Joshua Berglan: Yeah. Brian Wright: because when you are dumped down and don't think for yourself you were easily controlled and I'm not about that either.


Joshua Berglan: No. 100%. Wow, I agree with that. Now you're on the publishing side of things also, correct.

Brian Wright: I help people publish their books on Amazon, get their book covers done, get the book laid out and I will help people write their book or coach them through writing at themselves. If that's what they want.'ve even had people say I have a completed book, will you edit and publish it for me and got to different price point and I've taken some of those. So it allows me to help people in other ways.

Joshua Berglan: I want to ask you something. because we know a lot of the same people and we definitely know the speaking world. for various reasons, but we know that world and one of the parlor tricks as I like to call them because I'm not in favor of most motivational speakers that are out there just because of some of getting to work and core with some and seem behind the scenes, it was really an eye-opening experience...

Brian Wright: Yeah, you see...

Joshua Berglan: but Yeah. Brian Wright: who they really are in private.

Joshua Berglan: Yeah, but what I want to ask you about As a publisher because I know you to be a man of integrity. I know that you are sincere and genuine, when you talk about friends and that being something you value, I know that because you just randomly reach out to me to check on me

Joshua Berglan: That says a lot to me about that and... Brian Wright: Yeah, very few people. Joshua Berglan: even when I was off Facebook,... Brian Wright: Very few people do that and...

Joshua Berglan: So Yeah,... Brian Wright: I make that a priority. Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: and it's something that I admire about you a ton. And even though we have different football teams, I still admire that about you.

Brian Wright: It's okay.

Joshua Berglan: But what I was gonna ask you is How do you feel about this copy and paste approach to best seller? And I think, I don't want to go into detail because I don't want to Make it really, really obvious what I'm saying. But I think what I mean, where it's like, this is your ticket, the best seller, just follow these steps and then we're gonna put you in this system and then you're gonna be a bestseller and maybe in multiple countries and that

Joshua Berglan: Format is sold from stage for people, how you publish your book, how you become a best-seller, how you make $10,000 in three months, or whatever it may be? How do you feel about that copy and paste approach to publishing to get people about Seller?

Brian Wright: That's a tricky question. First of all the person settlement program have done it more than once. One thing that bugs me on social media is when someone does something once and now they think they're a coach or now, they think I can create a program on this. sit down. You've done this once. Prove that you can do this consistently Now, you'll fool some people, some of the time.

Brian Wright: But I think it loses authenticity too. Now, I understand that there are ways to game the system. it's crazy but I think, though, that if you do want to reach bestseller, you just have to get a bunch of people to buy the book. on the same day that's...

Joshua Berglan: Yeah, that's

Brian Wright: what it is and that's always been the truth. Whether you talk about Amazon, New York Times Wall, Street, Journal USA Today. Bestseller list you're trying to move a bunch of copies all at one time because that's how they know. But the real trick of are you really a best-selling author How long can

you sustain, that is your book a bestseller for weeks at a time or were you a bestseller for one hour and then you're gone. I mean on Amazon,...

Joshua Berglan: yeah.

Brian Wright: That's a lot of best sellers. Their number one for an hour in a category. some of my books have been number one in a category for, 10 14 days and that just means that people are still buying the book. And here's,...

Joshua Berglan: Yeah.

Brian Wright: Here's the other thing, I keep promoting my book, not just on Launch day. In fact, I had a client, Reach out to me, the day after launch day and said, Do I have to post about my book again? Yes, this is your baby. You don't stop feeding it just because it's day two in their life. You will feed this baby forever. so traded as such

Joshua Berglan: That's good. I game the system because I knew what to do and...

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: wanted if I could do it but I did maintain bestseller for a week, I did that and...

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: I felt good about it, but I don't feel good about being a number one, bestseller in four countries. It doesn't do anything for me, but it does accept open doors. And every door opens I'm going.

Brian Wright: Yeah. Joshua Berglan: If you only knew,

Joshua Berglan: Only knew I want to sell a million copies but I haven't done that yet. I want to ask you this though as an author. and you go into writing a book or you're thinking of writing a book thinking about calling Brian, I see the work he does, there's people he's working with I want to work with Brian but for I'm coming into this, I'm calling you. What is the right mindset for me to have as a potential author wanting to write a book and wanting to work with someone like you, what is the right mindset going into it? That when you hear it, you go. This guy's gonna do it or this woman's gonna do it.


Brian Wright: First thing I ask is, Why do you want to write a book? What are you gonna use it for? What's the end game? And sometimes people say I just want to share my story. Okay. You and your family will buy it. Your friends and...

Joshua Berglan: Right. Brian Wright: family will buy it. But what about the eight billion people in the world who don't know who you are? Then what?

Joshua Berglan: Yeah.

Brian Wright: So I work with entrepreneurs, who want to let use their book to leverage their brand, that's my niche. Now I'm not opposed to writing, for other people. In fact, I wrote a memoir for an Olympian and that was a great great book. So I've done that. But the idea is do you really want to go through your chronological life? I mean, what should I expect from it? if you are, any Elon musk, or if you are A well-known musician or politician or business person. I know what I'm probably gonna get if I'm reading Elon Musk's autobiography, I have a pretty good idea what I'm getting when I read Elton, John's autobiography, but if I'm reading Joshua Berglan's, autobiography

Brian Wright: Why do it not that you shouldn't? But I'm asking why do you want to write that book and what do you want other people to get from that book?

Joshua Berglan: Yeah.

Brian Wright: How do you plan on using this book going forward? Because I work with entrepreneurs, I tell them if they tell me I want to sell a lot of copies you may or may not and I'm very honest about that you may or may not the average book will sell about 250 copies and it's lifetime. Is that worth the amount of money that you're gonna pay me to help you? That's up to you, but it's what you do after the book is done, Are you leveraging us to get on stages? Are you going to sell a coaching program? Are you inviting people to come to your free events? Are you inviting people to a high level retreat? Are you wanting people to hire you to do something else because of your book? So you can spend your book into a lot of different ways. In fact, I was in a mastermind once and one of the other participants in the mastermind said, she had a business teaching people how to quilt she at the time was making a quarter million dollars a year.

Brian Wright: From Quilting. If you think that you can't make money with your area of expertise,...

Joshua Berglan: It's almost. Brian Wright: I invite you to think about that. Again, I was in a mastermind,... Joshua Berglan: What?

Brian Wright: another mastermind and somebody had said that she makes a six-figure a year with her dog, sledding business in Alaska. Who knew? You give me money doing anything. There's actually.

Joshua Berglan: It's true. And if you know,... Joshua Berglan: media definitely helps. Brian Wright: There is actually a book out there and...

Brian Wright: you can look this up on Amazon. I don't remember what it's called, but there is a book about how you can win. Playing Rock Paper, scissors. And there's actually a rock paper, scissors world championship in Toronto every year. It's crazy, what you can make money doing? But if you have a book that shows people how to do something, that's a great category.

Joshua Berglan: Mm- I like that.

Brian Wright: It. Even further, let's just say that you're a real estate agent and you're either on the buying side or the selling side, if you want to write a book, not about your autobiographer, not about your story but how to do something Think about this if you are in the real estate game and you want to get more clients and there's x number of agents in your market you can stand out by being the one that has the book about things that you need to know. Before you buy your house things, you need to know before you sell your house and the way you generate that book and here's some free game here. Write down a list of all the things that people normally ask you because they're buying or selling a house likely for the first time or they may be only Want the decade. You do this So this stuff you take for granted write down a list of all the questions you're answering over and over and over again. I'm tired of talking to you just buy my book.

Joshua Berglan: Mmm. Brian Wright: And then the answers to those questions can become chapters. Your book. How cool is


Joshua Berglan: That's actually genius in my pen doesn't work, but I'll remember it because that's really good advice.

Brian Wright: You're recording this so you can hear back again. Joshua Berglan: I'm getting ready to start writing. Yeah, that's true. Brian Wright: You're recording this. Joshua Berglan: And I have the transcript.

Brian Wright: Yes. Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: I'm getting ready to start writing again, And I'm excited because I do have one of those. It's not about me, really it's different. But about There's a story in it: Being misdiagnosed. and being prescribed schizophrenia and...


Brian Wright:

Joshua Berglan: like the circle and evolution of diagnosis that have had through the years and then The last diagnosis I had was dissociative identity disorder and I don't know if you know anything about that. But essentially, it's multiple personality disorder.

Brian Wright: Joshua Berglan: Will come to find out, and I've had that diagnosis for years. after being around a bunch of specialists,... Brian Wright: Mmm.

Joshua Berglan: who specialize in that, and having some conversations and doing all of this work on myself,

Joshua Berglan: They think that I'm actually going to meet with the neuropsychologist next month to get Gray SD. And I don't know if that's it or not, but I have been keeping notes for years about what doctors are telling me about my diagnosis and the information I'm getting that. If sometimes I want to call disinformation I'm getting the list of medications, the list of experiments, the list of all the stuff that my doctors have told me about And I had to take and really the lesson that I'm gonna go for is about taking health care in your own hands.

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: in educating yourself and being an advocate for yourself because I've done a lot of damage, not just to other people but myself and I'm looking back at it going.

Joshua Berglan: I could have gotten help or treatment, or whatever it may have been years ago, and alleviated so much of this struggle and pain, and then I'm wondering to myself, I worked in healthcare for 18 years. I know the game, I know insurance companies. I know how to win appeals. I know how to take on Medicare and Medicaid in Blue Cross and when I did it for 18 years, I'm an expert in that field even though I don't work in it anymore, I still know what to do and I still

Joshua Berglan: Dealt with that. Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: What happens to a loved one when they've had a stroke or they've had a car accident and they're having skin breakdown in their bed. what are they do? And the patience rights and the things that people don't know that or the resources that are available to them but the hospital that didn't tell them they just send them away in these people. What do they do? Sometimes they don't even get treatment at all because they're afraid. They can't afford the bill bill not knowing that there's programs that'll pay.

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: We have all of these resources available to us that most of the world doesn't know And I would bet that I don't even know how to do the percentage on this. But it's an alarming number of people that don't know their actual rights of just being a human being in America.

Brian Wright: Wow. Joshua Berglan: It's shocking. So I've been keeping these notes and so I'm now motivated to write but I can't finish writing until I know something, but that's burning a hole in me. Brian Wright: Mmm. Joshua Berglan: So as a professional, is that a book that useful? Brian Wright: Yes. Absolutely,...

Joshua Berglan: That's exciting. Brian Wright: People get misdiagnosed all the time. Joshua Berglan: It could cause problems, man.

Brian Wright: It causes a lot of problems and people have no idea what their rights are and what their recourse is.

Joshua Berglan: Recourse is a good word. Because there is recourse.

Brian Wright: Yeah. You need to write this book.

Joshua Berglan: I'm going to and I'm so excited to collect mine. I know why I kept notes because sometimes I just didn't know what was real and what was I mean that's really...

Brian Wright: Mm-hmm

Joshua Berglan: what it comes down to is so I had to keep notes Okay was that really real that I hear that I see that because this whole time or at least the last several years I thought that it was Disasociative identity disorder. So I'm trying to manage it and trying to stay safe and I am so blessed though. I need to make sure I say the statement.

Joshua Berglan: I am so blessed that God brought me the perfect partner to work with me to help me feel safe, and to navigate. Because all of the amazing things that are happening in my life and the blessings that I have come through growth and healing, but that doesn't happen without ss Who's been an amazing partner to me, and it's helped me grow and help me kind of navigate situations. I would destroy and hurt relationships. I told you before, when I got off Facebook,' It was my mental health because I was going batshit crazy. getting triggered by things and seeing things or getting up. I would read something wrong and assume or if somebody didn't reply to my message and then all of a sudden, it's internally and then sometimes what happens internally comes out externally. That's no way to live.


Brian Wright: It's not.

Joshua Berglan: And the most important thing that we can do is take care of our health and physical health, spiritual health, But anyway, that's why but I just wonder how many other people go through these things and don't have a clue. This is not about me. Brian. This is about you. I want to congratulate you on your radio show because, better than he is as well as anybody one, how hard it is just to be able to stay on air and to keep something like Going for that long consistently with guest with and even as a host. Being able to keep the brand. What it is, grow it, keep it fresh, keep it healthy, keep it moving, it's not stagnant. That is really, really hard to do and I commend you on that also. Let me ask you this.

Joshua Berglan: is the reason why you've been able to remain consistent and steady and keeping things fresh and keep it going, as long as you have, do you think that that is because of the guest, or do you think? It's because it's more about you being prepared?

Brian Wright: I will tell you when you are well prepared and you're not just winging it People notice that. And I've had people tell me Jeffrey Guidamer when he was on my show,...

Joshua Berglan:

Brian Wright: He was episode number 100. He said that I'm one of the most well prepared interviewers that he's ever worked with. That's a cool compliment for someone like that. People frequently, tell me I had a blast on your show. That's not a word I ever ever use in a sentence. So, it's pretty interesting. But I think part of it is the guests are amazing and there will always be somebody new accomplishing. Something amazing that I want to talk to them about, I'll have some people on more than once I've had one guest on seven times, that's how amazing he is, and we always have something new to talk about.

Joshua Berglan: Who's that guest? Can you say? Brandon's great.

Brian Wright: Brandon Adams. Brennan's, amazing, love him. He's fantastic. And I've had several other guests on three or four times a few people been on twice. Most people are only once not that I would be opposed...

Joshua Berglan: Brian Wright: but when somebody has something to talk about sure come back. I don't want to do the

same show twice though. I don't talk about all the same things we talk about last time. Joshua Berglan: Yeah.

Brian Wright: I just don't want to. It's not interesting people to just go back to the episode. I did with you six months ago, if they want that.

Joshua Berglan: Yeah, I'm the same way but my first interviews you're different because this is a second. Actually you may have talked to you three times now that I think about it.

Brian Wright: And I think so. Joshua Berglan: So I like the casual conversation for the first time around and if I enjoy it then I come

back for a very specific talk. And in those interviews, I treat them more like, 60 Minutes style,... Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: specials treat them like little mini documentaries, because I enjoy the conversation, because that's really why I wanted to be a talk show.

Brian Wright: Yeah. Yeah. Joshua Berglan: Host was the conversation. But I also get a lot of value and in the audience gets a lot of

value this is the target interview. So I've kind of started mixing that up and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Joshua Berglan: This time because I haven't talked to you in so long as far as on air wanted to have another conversation to catch up, but I do want to have you back on to have a future of media and publishing conversation with you. Because I'm doing some stuff.

Brian Wright: Joshua Berglan: and I know, I have a good pulse on where we're transitioning to

Joshua Berglan: And I believe that you do too and I think that we can have a very educational and informative talk on that. So I want to have you back for that but I want to give you this last few minutes Brian...

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: because this has just been, I said, a conversation to get to know you again but I would love it. If you could share one with the audience where they can follow you where they can listen to your radio show where they can get the magazine. But then also any other just,...

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: whether it's a word of wisdom or anything that you just want to share from your heart.

Brian Wright: Okay,...

Joshua Berglan: I want to give you the floor to close us out.

Brian Wright: If someone wants to talk to me about helping them with their book, my site is write a book for YOU.COM. All spell that right a book for YOU.COM.

Joshua Berglan: Say that one more time. Joshua Berglan: Good website. Brian Wright: Yeah, it is. Brian Wright: I was surprised that domain was available. It was really good,... Joshua Berglan: It's really good.

Brian Wright: write a book for If they want to look into my magazine and subscribe, ultimate achievers And the first seven days is a dollar and whatever subscription choice you made will. Go through after that. Fantastic. I mean, I issue number 65 just came out and I've done a bunch of special editions for people that just want to use this as a branding tool for themselves. So I probably done a hundred of them now. So I mean you could read one a week and...


Joshua Berglan: Wow.

Brian Wright: and still not finish in two years. That's how much content is there.

Joshua Berglan: Congratulations on that.

Brian Wright: Thank you. it's fun. I enjoy it. And if you want to book a call with me, call with Brian. Calm. Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: I like this. Very good.

Brian Wright: Last words. Joshua Berglan: Any last words?

Brian Wright: I posted something this morning, never miss an opportunity to pet your dog. Very important. She never know how many more time you're allowed to do that. But on a more serious note, I would say Be consistent, don't give up. The pendulum does swing both ways, when things are going badly, they won't be that way forever. And when things are going don't take it for granted because something can derail you. So stay with good people. The sum total of who you are as has been very famously said, Are the five people you hang out with and the books that you listen to audiobooks, I love audiobooks. And it's just really great and just consume content that will build you and build your business. In fact, Shark Tankis one of my favorite shows, I'm going to be taping an episode with Matt Higgins, very soon. He's been a guest on Shark Tank.

Joshua Berglan: Wow. Brian Wright: And I did an interview. Kevin Harrington several years ago, he was the first cover my

magazine back in December 2017. Yeah. Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: That is awesome. Yeah, You get ladies and gentlemen, you all have to check out his magazine because to me it should be sitting next to Forbes at the grocery store because it's meat and potatoes. In other words it gives you the meat. There's no fluff, not a bunch of junkie trashy ads,...

Brian Wright: Right.

Joshua Berglan: it's just premium solid content,...

Brian Wright: No.

Joshua Berglan: that's thoughtfully put together Brian does an amazing job. His radio shows great. I also know he's on Facebook and LinkedIn. are you anywhere else?

Brian Wright: No. Instagram. Joshua Berglan: Instagram. Okay, you guys check him out following Brian. So blessed to have you so

great to see you again and I look forward to having you on again. Brian Wright: I look forward to it. Thank you so much. Joshua Berglan: All right, thank you. Bye. Brian Wright: I love you.

Joshua Berglan: Very cool. I'm gonna start publishing this editing and everything. I think tomorrow and... Brian Wright: Good.

Joshua Berglan: as soon as I have it done, I'll send you the media kit. I cut up a bunch of clips but I'm gonna Only send you one link that will have the media kit package together with all your stuff in it.

Brian Wright: Okay. Joshua Berglan: I published that, that'll be on mostly news sites and also I am DB, I'll have it. Brian Wright: Good. Joshua Berglan: You have and I imdb credit as well. So, I'll be in touch. All... Brian Wright: Fantastic. Are you in Minnesota now,... Joshua Berglan: Have a blessed day, Mmm. Brian Wright: by the way? I move back to Iowa last year.

Joshua Berglan: Really.

Brian Wright: Do you know where Albert Lee is in Minnesota? I-35 going straight, south

Joshua Berglan: I think I do.

Brian Wright: keep going about 16, more miles across the border, I live in Northwood. There's a casino on the intersection.

Joshua Berglan: We have to get together, I live in Northfield now, and

Brian Wright: Saint Olaf. Yeah, yeah. I've been to Northfield. It's been a long long time. But yes.

Joshua Berglan: Working the Greatest Town Ever. I'm teaching media here in the community. I love it here.

Brian Wright: Good.

Joshua Berglan: This is the first place. I've lived that I wasn't trying to escape to go back to LA. I love this community. Love this town but I love everything about it. I'm working with Saint Olaf and Carrollton too.

Brian Wright: Yeah.

Joshua Berglan: Just I'm getting ready to speak there in a couple weeks and...

Brian Wright: Nice.

Joshua Berglan: I love everything about this place, so you're not far from me.

Brian Wright: probably an hour and a half.

Joshua Berglan: Yeah, we'll have to get together. We'll have to make that happen.

Brian Wright: owatonna is in between us. It's a little further for me, but it's only maybe an hour for me. We'll figure it out.

Joshua Berglan: We'll figure it out. All right. I'll be in touch Yeah,... Brian Wright: All right, take care. Bye. Joshua Berglan: you too bye-bye.

Meeting ended:


Alhandulillah... Selamat ya 👍


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