What chemical engineers do

What chemical engineers do

Do you really know what they do?

Don't you think you need to refresh your memory of the chemical engineering space?

Are you sure you wouldn't consider pursuing a degree in Chemical engineering? Think about it.

Well, I hope you would be satisfied with the answers below.

First of all, chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the application of mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics, and biology to use, produce, design, transport and transform energy and materials.

The chemical engineering space is vast, so I will state just a few of the work they do.

Chemical engineers can work for companies producing specialty, like chemicals,pharmacauticals, paint and dyes, cosmetics.

Some chemical engineers work for government agencies, where they specialize in environmental regulation and pollution control.

Some work for company producing integrated semi-conductor circuits e.g production of coated computer chips.

Some work for polymer producing companies where they develop membrane for separation e.g hydrogen from hydrocarbons.

Some work for biotechnology firms where enzymes can be used for reactions, also they deal with processes involved in genetic engineering.

And many more

Do you now agree with me it's an interesting field to study?

Sumit Ritolia

Oil Refining and Market Analyst | Crude Oil and Refined Products | Refinery Planning & Economics| Value Chain Optimization | Trade Flow



Peter Joshua

Internal Corrosion Engineer at ChampionX | MNSE


Very well. It is

Ogbonna John Odoh

Team leader at JOPO Green recycling company , chemical engineer ( in view), student.


Nice writeup about us my fellow processor.


Area Security Advisor (ASA) at Heirs Energies




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