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The Lid: Well, This is Awkward...

Here is part of what makes the birthright citizenship debate awkward.
Image: Republican presidential candidate, Senator Marco Rubio participates in \"Restoring American Leadership: A Conversation with Senator Marco Rubio\" at the 3 West Club in New York
Republican presidential candidate, Senator Marco Rubio participates in "Restoring American Leadership: A Conversation with Senator Marco Rubio" at the 3 West Club in New York August 14, 2015.ANDREW KELLY / Reuters

Welcome to The Lid, your afternoon dose of the 2016 ethos... Donald Trump posed with an American eagle for the latest issue of TIME, marking the only point in the real estate mogul's life that he affiliated himself favorably with baldness.

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Much was made of the historically diverse Republican presidential field at the beginning of this year: Marco Rubio! Bobby Jindal! Ted Cruz! All men with inspiring stories of immigrant parents who overcame the odds and embraced the American Dream.

That's part of what makes the birthright citizenship debate awkward. Both Rubio and Jindal's parents were not citizens at the time of their sons' births, although they were in the United States legally.

Now, the candidates who are calling for nixing birthright citizenship appear to be specifically targeting the children of undocumented immigrants. But the very suggestion of revoking automatic citizenship creates uncomfortable questions not just about the Republican Party's language towards immigrants generally, but for specific candidates whose life stories are central to their political narratives.



RUBIO: He’d be the toughest Republican challenger to Hillary Clinton in three big swing states,the New York Times notes.

And he delivered an economic policy address in Detroit on Thursday.

BUSH: POLITICO notes that he chaired a group called the Hispanic Leadership Network, which issued a memo advising against the use of the term ‘anchor baby.’

He’s going to hold a fundraiser with his father and brother this fall, writes the Wall Street Journal.


“You don’t know the Bushes, we’re like crybabies.”

  • Jeb Bush, after being asked by a voter if he had ever cried in office.


Donald Trump holds a rally of ever-expanding expected size in Mobile, Alabama.

Bernie Sanders rallies supporters in South Carolina

Jeb Bush and Bobby Jindal address the AFP Defending America Conference in Columbus, OH.