
The Weepies: Beautiful Music Together

For an act named The Weepies, Deb Talan and Steve Tannen seem to be pretty cheerful, actually. The pair met in Boston at a club, and have been...

Deb Talan says she and Steve Tannen occasionally spend "an hour" away from each other.

For an act named The Weepies, Deb Talan and Steve Tannen seem to be pretty cheerful, actually. The pair met in Boston four years ago at a club where Tannen was performing, and have been writing music together ever since. Their first CD, Happiness, was released in 2004.

Tannen and Talan were independent singer-songwriters and fans of each other's work before they joined forces to form The Weepies.

They recorded their latest album, Say I Am You, at their house in Pasadena, Calif. "World Spins Madly On," a track from that album, appears on the soundtrack of the recent film Friends with Money.

The Weepies will be playing tour dates around the United States through December.

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