Brassavola cucullata

Brassavola cucullata

from $35.00

Long, slender, pendent leaves with a flower to match, Brassavola cucullata has a spidery bloom—creamy white and yellow-green petals with a fringed lip. “Weird and wonderful,” according to the American Orchid Society, which includes this species among its list of collector’s items. (Read the AOS blurb here.)

The bloom period for this species is from summer into winter. Flowers are night fragrant, sweetly scented.

Grown from seed, so flower characteristics will vary somewhat from plant to plant. For example, though all blooms begin from the basic white and creamy yellow/green color palette, some may have a blush tinge to the petals like the flower from our specimen plant, which is shown in the first image. On the other hand, flowers from our current crop (blooming summer 2021) have so far bloomed with more golden tones, including a burnt orange petal perimeter. See the third and fourth images for two examples. These orange highlights are likely a product of growing in high light.

Plants Available: Growing in 3” pots (blooming-size) or mounted on small tree fern plaques (mature). Orders will be filled with plants in bud/bloom as blooming season and blooming stock permit.

Orchid Care: Because of the pendulous or drooping nature of the plant and its blooms, mounting or basket culture are recommended. Potted plants will benefit from a ring stake to rein in the growths.

Grow in bright, indirect light (Cattleya level) with strong air circulation. The frequency with which you water will vary according to the time of year and your growing conditions. In general, plants should be allowed to dry out between waterings. Check the moisture of your media regularly to gauge how quickly it dries throughout the year. When plants are kept in moss, a sharpened no. 2 pencil is handy tool for determining whether water is necessary. Just insert the pencil tip a few inches into the pot; remove after a moment and check the wood for moisture. If wet, wait to water.



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