July 30, 2019

Katherine Langford Was A Lady In Black Lace For The ‘Once Upon a Time In Hollywood’ London Premiere

Katherine Langford Was A Lady In Black Lace For The 'Once Upon a Time In Hollywood' London Premiere

Katherine Langford made an enchanting entrance onto the red carpet for the ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ London premiere this evening (July 30).

She really held her own at this event.

As we all know, Katherine loves to wear black, so I wasn’t surprised by this Prada black guipure lace gown.

The look feels unapologetically romantic, but I think this has more to do with Katherine herself than the gown.

I’m not a fan of the Chantilly lace insert at the bodice.  It feels a bit random, and I kinda wish that the nude lining didn’t feel so apparent.

What are your thoughts on this look?

Credit: Getty

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