Wang Chung

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Columbus, OH, US Change
  1. May


    Louisville, KY, US

    Mercury Ballroom

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Upcoming concerts (12) See all

  1. May


    Dallas, TX, US

    House of Blues - Dallas

  2. May


    Oak Grove, KY, US

    Oak Grove Racing Gaming and Hotel

  3. May


    Louisville, KY, US

    Mercury Ballroom

  4. Jun


    Hampton Beach, NH, US

    Bernie's Beach Bar

  5. Jun


    Fort Lauderdale, FL, US

    Au-Rene Theater, Broward Center

  6. Jul


    Huntsville, AL, US

    Totally Tubular Festival

  7. Jul


    Washington, DC, US

    Totally Tubular Festival

  8. Aug


    Los Angeles (LA), CA, US

    Peacock Theater

  9. Aug


    Canceled Anaheim, CA, US

    City National Grove of Anaheim

  10. Aug


    Outdoor Paso Robles, CA, US

    Vina Robles Amphitheatre

View all upcoming concerts 12


  • Wang Chung are a band hailing from London, England who formed in 1980. Since their debut, they have released seven studio albums and are best known for their singles “Everybody Have Fun Tonight”, “Let's Go!” and “Dance Hall Days”.

    Forming out of the ashes of two different bands called The Intellektuals and 57 Men, Wang Chung originally formed as Huang Chung in 1980, and thanks to the contacts that the trio had made while in those previous bands, signed to 101 Records soon after forming. The band, made up of singer and guitarist Jeremy Ryder (A.K.A Jack Hues), bassist Nick Feldman (Nick DeSpig) and Darren Costin (Darren Darwin) on the drums, debuted their first tracks on a set of 101 Records compilation albums before signing a two-album deal with Arista Records in 1981. Their first album sank without a trace, but after they changed their name to Wang Chun in 1983 and had their record deal switched from Arista to Geffen in the same year, the band's career was saved after the release of their second album “Points On The Curve”. The album was released in January 1984, and it was the record's second single “Dance Hall Days” that certified the band as possible stars, hitting number 21 in the UK and number 16 on the Billboard Hot 100.

    The band were poised to make a huge breakthrough, and that's exactly what happened with the release of September 1986's “Everybody Have Fun Tonight”. The single rocketed to the number two spot on the Billboard Hot 100, and it's follow up “Let's Go” was another huge hit as well, placing in the top 10 of the same chart. However, the band couldn't keep up their run of hits and split up in 1990. However, ever since 1997, the band have been back together and releasing albums that are even more acclaimed than their 80's heyday, the band are also playing the best live shows of their career, so now has never been a better time to be a Wang Chung fan, which isn't something you can say about many bands who made their name in the 1980's. For constantly improving with age, and proving a far better band than many would assume them to be, Wang Chung come highly recommended.

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Live reviews

  • I couldn't believe it, the band Wang Chung still plays concerts! I was down in Miami last year on vacation, and saw an advertisement in a bar, so I had to attend. I was a little kid when they came out in the eighties so I wasn't able to go to any of their concerts while I was in diapers, but this was a chance to see if they still had it.

    I'll say they do, if in a little more mature and less hair spray manner. They aren't stuck in the decade that their song is, and look pretty good for their age. They still bring a lot of energy to the stage and the audience always loves to hear "Everybody Have Fun Tonight."

    Wang Chung was a huge part of my childhood, a song in the soundtrack of my early life. Their 80s dance music can always bring a smile to my face.

    Their ability to do that with audiences of all ages and walks of life makes them a must-listen for everyone. Their style and staying power are well earned. They've been playing since 1980 out of England and rocking it all across the world ever since.

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    By Anonymous
  • Wang Chung surely delivered. My only complaint was the 4/5 song set list being cruely short. The fans clearly wanted more. I saw them a few years back and they played longer so just disappointed at that. Great choice playing To Live & Die In LA!! AFOS killed it!

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Past concerts

  1. Sep


    Lincoln, CA, US

    Rewind Fest

  2. Sep


    Saratoga, CA, US

    The Mountain Winery

  3. Aug


    Outdoor Los Angeles (LA), CA, US

    Greek Theatre

View all past concerts

Wang Chung tour dates and tickets 2024-2025 near you

Want to see Wang Chung in concert? Find information on all of Wang Chung’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2024-2025.

Wang Chung is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 12 concerts across 1 country in 2024-2025. View all concerts.
